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龙甲村的青石小径。A rustic path in Longjia village.

好主意,我喜欢乡村风格的。Good idea. I like a rustic style.

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Nick和Veronica开门走进了一间乡村小屋。Nick opens the door to a rustic cabin.

教训乡里的道德家们怎样去死。That teach the rustic moralist to die.

乡村式的笨拙的品质。The quality of being rustic or gauche.

这些乡下小姑娘歌唱得很好。These rustic lassies are good singers.

他一个山野村夫怎麽会懂得文学呢?How can the rustic understand literature?

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房外有个院门,和一条简陋的衃?。It had an outer gate, and a rustic approach.

你的真丝薄稠可以变得稍微再“粗糙”点。Your mousseline will just be a little more "rustic."

两个中年的老处女,在一个乡下的客栈渡假时。Two middle-aged spinsters, vacationing at a rustic inn.

乡村的内在魅力又再一次把我深深的吸引住了。The rustic charm of the interior once again sucked me in.

然而,他们所设想的是一个旧世界,质朴的和舒适的。Yet the look they envisioned was Old World, rustic and homey.

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关于邪恶乡绅和土气佃农的传统传奇剧。The traditional melodrama of the wicked squire and rustic tenant.

度假村有三间粗糙的小屋,每间屋里能睡四个人。The lodge has three rustic rooms, which can sleep four people each.

这种瓷砖粗旷的质地增加了这个厨房淳朴的风味。The rough texture of the tiles added a rustic charm to the kitchen.

我们希望新鲜的空气和乡村的氛围能帮他调整自己。We hoped the fresh air and rustic atmosphere would help him adjust.

每间客房设有古典风格的家具和传统的葡萄牙装饰。The rustic rooms are well equipped with an en-suite bathroom and TV.

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你得到的将是一种伦敦警察喝的,有着不澄清色泽、乡村风味的杜松子酒。You’ll end up with an unclarified, rustic version of London’s finest.

赋有乡村气息的湿地被喷泉和整洁的人造池塘所取代。Rustic wetlands are replaced with fountains and immaculate arti?cial ponds.

那时候,我一度排斥格子,觉得格子一点也不时髦,土里土气的。At that time, I once exclusion lattice, that grid is nothing trendy, rustic of.