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我能够欣赏灵歌。I can appreciate that.

真的?我太感激了。Reall ? I appreciate it.

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我对此很感激。I really appreciate this.

我会非常感激。I'd really appreciate it.

我很欣赏这种坦率。I appreciate that candour.

我欣赏你的意见。I appreciate your comment.

感谢您的询价。I appreciate your inquiry.

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你会鉴赏画吗?Do you appreciate pictures?

我称赏你的坦率。I appreciate your frankness.

所以要珍惜你拥有的。So appreciate what you have.

所以要珍惜你拥骀有的。So appreciate what you have.

退伍军人感谢你们。The veterans appreciate you.

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我们十分感激你的好意。We appreciate your kindness.

我感谢这次对话!I appreciate the conversation!

我非常感激你的帮助。I really appreciate your help.

我们对你们给予我们的帮助表示感谢。We appreciate your helping us.

我们确实很感激。We relly appreciate your help.

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你似乎不能体念我多么忙。Em to appreciate how busy I am.

我们非常感激你的帮助。We really appreciate your help.

告诉他们你很感激。Tell them you appreciate it too.