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什么是财富?What is wealth?

关于多到令人嫉妒的财富。ON ENVYING WEALTH.

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这就是通向财富之路The way to wealth.

财富能使人拜倒。Wealth makes worship.

首先,金钱至上。First, wealth matters.

壮健是生第一财富。The first wealth is health.

民间传说,财神即五路神。Folklore, wealth five fields.

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他受到她的财富诱惑。He was allured by her wealth.

土地乃财富之母。Land is the mother of wealth.

他的财富是怎样得来的?How did he acquire his wealth?

他怎么会有这些财富?Whence has he all this wealth?

可我父亲不能失去她的财富。But he mustn't lose her wealth.

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他所有的财产都被烧光了。All of his wealth was burnt out.

死神不问贫富,一视同仁。Death is no respecter of wealth.

她牺牲荣誉以换取财富。She exchanged honour for wealth.

这个人的钱多得发臭。The man is stinking with wealth.

祝你身体健康,财源广进。Wish you both health and wealth.

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顾客就是我们的财神爷。Customers are our Gods of Wealth.

他的财富成了祸根。His wealth proved a curse to him.

企业的成长创造财富。Companies that grow create wealth.