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我有一台赛欧。I have a Sail.

升帆并报告。Set sail and report.

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扯动我的尸布船帆。Hauls my shroud sail.

船启航时,汤姆挥了挥手。as the ship set sail.

他们扯起半帆。They bunted up a sail.

坐船到那儿便宜一些。Shall we go for a sail?

船在水面上行驶。Boats sail on the water.

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我将朝向你升帆、启航…I will sail home to you.

江中一奇帆。A strange sail the river.

它可以航行于任何河流。It can sail on any river.

学着驾驶帆船。Learn to sail a sailboat.

那条船有一面新篷。That boat has a new sail.

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帆绳松了。The sail ropes slackened.

风把帆张满了。The wind ripped the sail.

我们明天中午开船。We sail at noon tomorrow.

你们轮船什么时候开航?When will your ship sail?

粉红猪小妹爱她的帆船。Peppa loves her sail boat.

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那艘船张满帆。The ship was in full sail.

雨的边线上,是一张帆。At the rain's edge, a sail.

这班船能正点启航吗?。Can this ship sail on time?