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分区表。Partition tables.

我应当何时划分?When should I partition?

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每个抽屉都是一个分区。Each drawer is a partition.

珠帘活动隔断。Bead curtain activity partition.

安装左充压板管分隔板。Fit left plenum panel partition.

将用户按类型分区。Partition your users into types.

我们的分子配分函数。Our molecular partition function.

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只存在不可引导的分区。Only non-bootable partition exist.

卷分区描述符?。VPD? Volume – Partition Descriptors?

在我们的范围里分隔永不分离。And in our bound partition never part.

查询分区上的所有员工。Query the partition for all employees.

在分区发现坏磁道。Bad tracks found at start of partition.

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隔板,边模,底模。Partition Panel, Side Mold, Bottom Mold.

将另一块纸板放在纸卡的上面。Place the second pad on top of partition.

在构型配分函数中。In the configurational partition function.

这是电子的配分函数。This is the electronic partition function.

预定的分区既科学又省劲。Both science and ShengJin due to partition.

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我们的办公室用一个隔扇分成两部分。Our office is compared by a partition board.

称为正则配分函数。It's called the canonical partition function.

我们的办公室用一个隔扇分成两部分。Our office is comparted by a partition board.