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那些蜂蜜蝗虫。The honeyed locusts.

他总是恭维他的老板。He always honeyed his boss.

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不只是甜言蜜语。Not only for honeyed words.

他用甜言蜜语安慰她。He consoled her with honeyed words.

讨好的话是甜蜜的毒药。A flattering speech is honeyed poison.

味觉上能感受到中度的蜂蜜香和轻微的辛辣味。The palate is moderately honeyed and tenderly spicy.

我能闻到瓜桃熟透了的香甜味道。I could smell the honeyed ripeness of melons and peaches.

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发自内心的不叫甜言蜜语,叫做真心话。Words coming from the bottom of one's heart are not honeyed.

可是都是被她的一些花言巧语,而我的心又软弱下来。But is by hers some honeyed words, but my heart is also weak down.

曼迪蜷着肩膀曼迪蜷着身子,陷入甜蜜的课后疼痛。Mandy rolled her shoulders, sank into that honeyed post-class ache.

昨晚上甜蜜的私语,今朝的冷绿的露珠……Lover's honeyed words last night turned into the fellness dewdrop today.

最好的霞多丽可以放的长久,发展蜂蜜坚果,咸味的复杂性。The best Chardonnays age well, developing honeyed nutty, savory complexity.

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刚刚遭到楠凤回绝的格利禁不住她一番温顺的甜言蜜语,留在了阿帕查房间。Just by nan fung rebuffed gayle couldn't help her a tame honeyed words, check the room left.

在弥林我是穿着丝绸的女王,靠蜜枣和涂上蜂蜜的羊肉充饥,她回想起来。In Meereen I was a queen in silk, nibbling on stuffed dates and honeyed lamb, she remembered.

奶奶看到四季又陷进易奕的甜言蜜语中,不禁为四季担忧。Grandma see four seasons and sunk into Yi Yi honeyed words, can not help but worry about the four seasons.

平滑,酸度和甜度适中,酒体与新鲜的口感之间平衡良好,回味甜如蜜。Smooth, good acid and sweetness, well balanced between freshness and body with a dominating honeyed finish.

上官蕊是金楼的唱歌的女子,长像很妖娆,甜言蜜语很讨曾念安欢喜。ShangGuanRui is gold floor of singing woman, looked like very enchanting, beg Ceng Nianan honeyed words very glad.

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多少甜言蜜语由声波传递,但相爱的人一旦厮守在一起,电话便无用武之地。Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves, nut when the lovers are brought together, the phone serves no purpose.

尽管甜言蜜语由声波传送,但当相爱的人守在一起时,电话便发挥不了作用。Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves , but when the lovers are brought together, the ohone serves no purpose.

口感新鲜清香,带有一种奇异的花香和带有橙花、甜杏和桃子的果香。Fresh and spicy, offering exotic floral and fruit aromas reminiscent of orange blossoms, honeyed apricots and peaches.