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飞行员1149例疗养期间患病情况分析。Analysis on Sickness Status of 1149 Aviators during Recuperation.

维多利亚时代正确地把“吸入海洋空气”作为休生养息的形式。The Victorians were right to “take the sea air” as a form of recuperation.

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原先不适当的紧张就会松弛下来,恢复和修整的过程就会开始。The old undue grip relaxes and the process of recuperation and repair begins.

及时的手术治疗对我的眼睛进行了修复,然而恢复却是如此的缓慢,我陷入了毁容的恐惧之中。A quick operation fixed things, but recuperation was slow and I feared disfigurement.

就多看下书学点有休养的东西,学点有知识的东西,知道吗?See next book, the more points recuperation of things, knowledge of what points, know?

无论我们大脑多么强大,它们都需要会休整时间一保持活力。No matter how powerful our brains are, they need recuperation time to be kept in shape.

目的探讨拓展训练在基层军官疗养中的应用效果。Objective To study the effect of development training in basic-level officer recuperation.

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然而,艰难地迈出第一步,承认自己的进食障碍,并不会使康复变得容易。Yet making that first difficult step to admit to the problem does not make recuperation easy.

结果疗养康复医学具有广阔的市场和发展前景。Results The recuperation rehabilitation medicine had broad market and development prospective.

Hartig和同事提出假日闷在屋里可能限制精神上的恢复。Hartig and colleagues suggest that being stuck indoors on vacation can limit mental recuperation.

目的充分发挥北戴河疗养胜地自然疗养因子优势。Objective To take advantage of the natural recuperation factors in Beidaihe sanitariums completely.

她狡猾地对国王说,“伊利莎的身体太虚弱,应该把她送到乡村去疗养。”She said craftily, "Elisa is weak, and it would be good for her to go to the country for recuperation."

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冰岛的复苏为爱尔兰和其他欧元区处境艰难的国家提供了两个教训。Iceland’s recuperation seems to offer two big lessons for Ireland and other troubled euro-zone countries.

目的为边缘型综合性医学分支学科疗养康复医学的动态与进行科学论证。Objective To study the movement of the recuperation rehabilitation medicine and perform scientific proof.

然而,经过在梅尔伍德一段时间的恢复,托雷斯已经接近一队回归的日子。However, following a period of recuperation at Melwood, Torres is edging ever nearer to a first-team return.

百杨生态园是您观光、游览、休闲、度假、会议、养生的最佳选择!We welcome you to Baiyang Ecological Garden for sightseeing, tour, vacation, conference, rest or recuperation.

这项环境心理学研究指出假期宅在家里可能限制精神上的恢复。This environmental psychology study suggests that being stuck indoors on vacation can limit mental recuperation.

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不论我们的大脑有多么强大,它们还是需要休息恢复的,保持状态良好,甚至偶尔的充充电。No matter how powerful our brains are, they need recuperation time, to be kept in shape, and even an occasional charge.

汤岗子温泉坐落于市郊以南15公里处,是中国四大疗养中心之一。Tanggangzi Spring is located in 15km south of the city proper, is one of the four biggest recuperation centers in China.

他为英格兰打了的60分钟有助于他复原及提升本身的状态与竞技能力。The 60 minutes he got for England was very helpful in his recuperation and his fight to try to get back to full fitness.