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我已经长大了!I have grown up!

埃里希雷德尔已经成长了。Erich Raeder had grown.

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我自小成长起来就是那样。I've grown up that way.

现在他们都长大了。They are all grown now.

她留起了长发。She's grown her hair long.

这一年,我真的长大孒。In 2007, I grown up really.

它们为什么变得如此之大?Why have they grown so big?

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你今年是怎样成长的?How have you grown this year?

她长大后成为一位亭亭玉立的女子。I mean, you're a grown woman.

不久,枣树的叶子长大了。Soon, jujube leaves grown up.

这种米是天津产的。The rice is grown in Tianjin.

梵蒂冈城可谓是“麻雀虽小,肝胆俱全”!Vatican City is all grown up.

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他有两个已成年的孩子。He has two grown -up children.

草坪上长满了杂草。The lawn was grown with weeds.

蔬菜是在田园生长还是温室养殖?Farm-fresh or greenhouse grown?

他已长成一个壮汉。He has grown into a strong man.

就是将单个细胞培育成为器官Organs grown from single cells.

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草已长得齐腰高了。The grass had grown waist-high.

我们对这种吵闹声已习已为常了。We have grown used to this noise.

一年后,我们已经长大成熟。A year later, we have grown riper.