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好的,它有很多细节。Yeah, there's a lot of ins and outs.

还有以往任何时候都受欢迎的博客地址集。There is also the ever popular blog add ins.

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波兰南部的一个工业城市,位于维斯杜拉河沿岸。An industrial city ins poland on the vistula.

现在这剧正在人民剧场上演。Now the opera ins on at the People's Theatre.

我今年22岁了,换算成海龟的年龄大约是35岁。I'm 22 years ins like 35 in s-ea turtle years.

没有人知道这个情况的底细。No one knows all the ins and outs of this situation.

这个小个子外子并不如他看下去那么单纯。This little man is not so innocent when he come ins.

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每个网站和子网站将需要以下插件插件。Each site and sub site will need the following plug ins.

这位脾气暴躁的队员曾和裁判员发生过无数次争吵。The fiery player has had numerous run- ins with referees.

他对这个机构的底细了如指掌。He knows the ins and outs of this organization like a book.

今天将进行辛普森最新审理的陪审团人员挑选。Jury selection beg ins today in O. J. Simpson's latest trial.

她的床和书架是白色的,整体结构是白色的,配料是白的,墙是米白的。The built ins are white, the trim is white and the walls are beige.

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要摸清那些诡谲多变的股票、债券和商品交易的来龙去脉。Learn the ins and outs of savvy stock, bond and commodities trading.

布鲁斯把我招到其翼下并教我商业运作的来龙去脉。Bruce took me under his wing and taught me the ins and outs of the business.

在SPSS支持下进行单因素和多元回归分析。Data were analysed ins ingle factor and multiple regression analysis with SPSS.

“我们的目标是弄清楚这个过程的来龙去脉。”Casellas表示。"Our objective is to understand the ins and outs of this process, " says Casellas.

忽然,一只猫跳上桌子抓取食物,弄得汤汁狼藉。Abrupt, food of capture of table of pop-up of a cat, do so that soup juice ins disorder.

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中国是亚洲最大的国家,邻国众多,相互间山水相连、唇齿相依。As the largest country in Asia, China has manys, close ins of both geography and interests.

美即是道理的含笑,当她在完整的镜子前揽镜自照。Beauty is truth's smile when she look ins her own fgenius in a particular excellent mirror.

公司派我们一班人去戴尔卡内基学院学习演说的所有要领。The company sent a group of us to dale carnegie to learn the ins and outs of public speaking.