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电脑程序编制。Computer programming.

你们懂得-我很纳闷?Good programming style?

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这么多的编程语言?Of programming languages?

你们会怎么称呼它们?Good programming practices?

在没有进行编程的情况下自定义Customization without programming

怎么改变你的规划?How Do You Change the Programming?

拿结对编程为例。Take pair programming for instance.

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你认识编程的基础知识吗?Do you know the ABCs of programming?

促进了基于协定的编程。Promotes contract-based programming.

对于主要的编程语言ASP。On the main programming language ASP.

十岁就开始编程。I've been programming since I was ten.

为什么需要基于组件的编程模型?Why a component-based programming model?

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我可以在哪里找到PNP方面的编程资料?Where can I find programming info on PNP?

程式设计的世界也会有相同的状况。And the same thing happens in programming.

我对编程方面有很深刻的见解。I have a deep understading in Programming.

结对编程为您提供的刚好就是这一点。Pair programming gives you precisely that.

我们叫它“剪贴式编程”。We call it "programming by cut-and-paste".

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求推荐一本网络编制程序书!Seek recommend a network programming Books!

而且我真的很喜欢电脑编程。and I really do enjoy computer programming.

面向并行编程的模式语言。A Pattern Language for Parallel Programming.