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但是如今你的头秃了,约翰。Now we maun totter down, John.

而再过几天我们把它抛在路旁。A few more days till we totter on the road.

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小孩与老年人走路蹒跚。Babies and very old people totter as they walk.

再过几天,我们将蹒跚着走上大路!Just a few more days, till we totter in the road!

许多年之后,我白发苍苍的蹒跚走在河边。Years later, I totter by the River in white hair.

心里。他望着她走掉时,他那尼采式的华厦似乎动摇了,垮塌了。As he watched her go, the Nietzschean edifice seemed to shake and totter.

他们见异象时摇摇晃晃,行审判时摇摆不定。They stagger from liquor, They reel in their visions, They totter in their judgments.

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它既被打翻,族权和夫权便一概跟着动摇起来。With that overturned, the clan authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter.

我穿上她的高跟鞋在卧室里踉踉跄跄地行走,并对这镜子偷瞥自己的形象。I'd put on her high heels and totter around the bedroom, catching glimpses of myself in the mirror.

一些有经验的记者们在礼服下面穿着运动鞋,另外一些穿着能把脚弄出水泡的高跟鞋步履蹒跚。Some practical reporters wear sneakers under their gowns. Others totter around on blister-inducing high heels.

观众看到他摇晃了一下,双膝一弯,立刻又恢复了原状,下巴尖在肩膀的掩护下埋得更深。The audience saw him totter and his knees give, and then saw him recover and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder.

但目前,如果金融市场再度失控,或是一家大型机构崩溃,政府除了再次实施救助之外,可选择的新举措依然无几。But today, they have few new options -- excepting another bailout -- should financial markets seize up again or a large institution totter.

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据悉,其他政府背景的基金也在进行同样的收购,这就可以解释为什么当其他地方银行股价暴跌之时中国银行股价能止住下跌。Other government-backed funds are thought to have been buying as well, which may explain why the banks’ share prices have held up even as banks elsewhere totter.

目前,大多数注意力聚焦于金融部门的裂痕与呻吟之中——许多银行正在倒闭的边缘摇摇欲坠,很难从那里获得信贷支持。Most of the attention has focused on the cracks and groans from the financial sector, as banks totter at the edge of failure and where credit has been so hard to come by.