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终于当第九十九个小石子被放进圈圈的?。The ninetieth one came in at last.

她在那场比赛中排名第九十。She was ninetieth in the competition.

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这是本书的第九十版。This is the ninetieth edition of this book.

她好像是名单上的第九十位。She is like the ninetieth person on the list.

第九十名顾客将会赢得一份惊喜大礼。The ninetieth customer will win a surprise gift.

我们下周将庆祝爷爷90岁生日。We are celebrating our grandpa's ninetieth birthday next week.

我的母亲,她的第九十天的生日快到了,不知道。My mother has no idea that her ninetieth birthday is coming up.

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劳拉死在一九五七年,就在她90岁生日。Laura died in nineteen fifty-seven, just after her ninetieth birthday.

我们有一个家庭聚会,是我祖母的90岁生日。We’re having a family reunion. It’s my grandmother’s ninetieth birthday.

今年,青年成就组织庆祝其为年轻人提供商业和经济方面的教育90周年。This year, Junior Achievement marks its ninetieth anniversary of educating young people about business and economics.

相反,它的名字来自于19世纪40年代沿街道种植的肉豆蔻和辣椒。By contraries, the word came from nutmeg and cayenne planted along the street in the forties of the ninetieth century.

皮特·西格于一九一九年五月三日出生于纽约市,这也是他庆祝九十大寿的地方,马里奥·里特报道有关皮特·西格及他的生日聚会。Pete Seeger was born on May third, nineteen nineteen in New York City. That is where he celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Mario Ritter has our report on Pete Seeger and his party.

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若有的国家嗣后批准或加入,本公约将自该国交存其批准或加入的文件后的第九十天起,开始对该国生效。For any country ratifying or acceding to it later this Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the said country has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession.