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我自己便能证实这一点。I can attest to that myself.

赞恩斯•塞浦瑞斯能够证明这一点。Zanes Cypress can attest to that.

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好几个证人可以证明他为人正派。Several witnesses can attest to her good character.

我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.

作为他儿子,我可以证明他这个从未改变过的事实。As his son, I can attest to the fact that he never changed.

如今我能证明隆波田教导的真理。Now I can attest to the truth of Luangpor Teean's teaching.

他们每一个人都可以证明我有勤劳的职业道德,而且坚毅不拔。They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.

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我能以我个人来证明这个调音的精妙效力。I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement.

毕尔先生信仰教育的春秋事业,而且大约有一万名学生可以作证。Mr Beer believed in teaching, as some 10,000 students can attest.

这些遗迹充分证明此处昔日的宏伟。These ruins sufficiently attest the former grandeur of the place.

在我自己的生命中就证实了这一点,我相信很多读者也可以。I can attest to this in my own life, as I’m sure many readers can.

萨姆斯出版社不能精确的证实这些信息。Sams Publishing cannot attest to the accuracy of this information.

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我能以个人经历证明这样是相当有用的。I can attest from personal experience that such time is really rewarding.

对,我们有一个非常棒的实习生计划,我认为这对双方来说都是好事情。Yes, we have a great internship program, and I can attest from both sides.

从个人的经验谈,我能证明LiLi很多次帮了我的忙。From personal experience I can attest to LiLi saving my butt so many times.

未成年人本协议中涉及的用户均要达到法定年龄。INFANCY . You attest that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement.

我的朋友和家人都能证明,我是个最坏最坏的人。My friends and family can readily attest that I’m one of the worst culprits.

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然而,即使是对魔法如此严令禁止,也给他们带来了很多麻烦,这一点鲍什深有体会。Even this forbearance has led to a great deal of trouble, as Boush can attest.

能源非常丰富的地方是非常适合屋主的,塔尔萨居民就是证明。The energy belt is a good place for homeownership as Tulsa residents can attest.

遛狗去。有许多研究证明,宠物能够减轻很大压力。There are numerous studies that attest to the stress-relieving benefits of pets.