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她仍会替他开脱罪责。She would still justify him.

辩护和证明决策。Defend and justify decisions.

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靠右对齐单元格内容。Right justify the cell contents.

你能向我证明你的行为是正确的吗?Can you justify your conduct to me?

他试图为他的行为辩护。He attempts to justify his conduct.

好的,我们如何证明这个公式?OK. How do we justify this formula?

孟山都为什麽做出这样的禁令?How does Monsanto justify such a ban?

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她不反对,并不说明他就做得对。Her not objecting, does not justify him.

你能就这个事故为自己辩护清楚吗?Can you justify yourself for the accident?

想必适当措辞可以使一切正当化。Guess you can justify anything with words.

苔原地带的艰苦生活能作为杀婴行为的借口吗?Would life in the tundra justify infanticide?

护短是交换机的升级可能会非常困难。May justify the upgrade switch be very difficult.

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论证一个限定推荐值的正确性是困难的。A definite recommendation is difficult to justify.

而我们的研究结果并不适用于手术过程。Our findings do not justify operative procedures".

但是,这并不证明其低级趣味和高昂的代价。But that doesn't justify its poor taste and high price.

无尽的战争以证明无数人锒铛入狱是合理的。Endless war is taken to justify endless incarcerations.

用于证明所用估值倍数合理的假设Assumptions Used to Justify the Valuation Multiples Used

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不要试着用任何借口来评判行为和信仰。Don’t use an excuse to try to justify actions or beliefs.

你如何评价对你当前主管的提薪?How would you justify a raise to your current supervisor?

很快,销售额证明他们的辛苦没有白费。They soon started seeing the sales to justify their toil.