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这里有一些手工钥匙链。Ln here we have some boondoggle key chains.

所以结果是,负的nRT除以。And so we can write this, ln minus nRT log V2 over V1.

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血清IL-15水平检测可作为判断LN是否活动的指标之一。IL-15 may be used as an index to assess the activity of LN.

埋葬死者以免她们在分娩中步向坟地。Bury the dead for fear that they walk to the grave ln labour.

而U等于q加,那是w,q应该是。w This is just q plus w. There's w, RT1 ln q has to be R T1 log of V2 over V1.

在风中,风带着树前进,跟着白云,摇伐着梦想。Ln the wind, wind brings the trees, follows the white cloud and plants the dream.

本文通过基片集成波导技术设计并实现了一种行波式圆极化天线线阵列。The LN and Mg∶In∶LN waveguide substrates were made by the proton exchange technology.

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LN努力将其设计成一款易打性更强的全不锈钢一套高尔夫…LN efforts are designed to be easy to play a more all- stainless steel set of golf clubs.

早期胚泡中LN主要分布在内细胞团,滋养层细胞间质中也有分布。LN chiefly distributed in the inner cell mass and between trophoblasts in early blastocyst.

纵使伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道是谁会爱上你的微笑。Never frown, even you are sad, because you never kow who is falling ln love with your smile.

由于具有以上优点,离子注入成为一种有效的形成光波导的技术。Light ion implanted LN waveguides have been demonstrated to be typical barrier-confined multimode ones.

气顶式烘箱及空膜操作平台。烘箱内导辊主动。Gas style oven and crossing membrane operation worktable. ln the oven guiding roller with active control.

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结论血清四项可作为判断肝纤维化及肝硬化的较好的指标。Conclusions Detection of LN CIV PIIIP and HA in diagnosing LC and LF have made considerable clinical value.

结论提示尿IL-8水平与狼疮性肾炎的病变活动密切相关,并可作为LN活动和预后评估的一个重要参数。Conclusion IL-8 is closely related to the activity of LN and may be used as an index to assess tha activity of LN.

和LN的异常表达与肿瘤分化程度、颈淋巴结转移呈负相关。The expression of Col-IV and LN was negatively correlated with neck lymph node metastasis and histological grading.

LN有利于细胞之间形成紧密连接,使胶原纤维集结成束,从而产生致密结缔组织促进肌腱再生。LN is propitious to formation of intercellular tight junction, bundle the collagen fibrils to come into being tendon.

鲁能集团在泰安市旅游风景区内开发的产权式酒店地产项目在2007年被列为泰安市重点开发项目。Located in Tai Mountain tourism district, LN Group's tourism real estate became a key project of Tai'an City in 2007.

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1990年在德国科隆大学获博士学位,研究藻类能量转化。She got her Ph. D degree from K?ln University, Germany in 1990 with studies on energy transformation in Cyanobacteria.

方法对53例LN患者进行回顾性分析,并与同期住院的61例无肾炎病变的SLE患者对照。Methods A retrospective study of 53 LN patients and 61 SLE patients without nephritis were randomly selected as controls.

目的检测我院门诊泌尿生殖道支原体感染情况及支原体培养加药敏试验分析。Objective ln order to find of 3 263 cases of mycoplasma infection from urogenital tract and culture, drug sensitive analysis.