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哈尔福德对贝拉犯规吃到黄牌。Halford of Beira to eat yellow card fouls.

本特纳与贝拉组成前锋线。Turner and the composition of the Beira forward line.

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克里贝拉属类最早发现于1999年。The Kerry Beira was the kind discovers most early in 1999.

不过,19岁的贝拉却清醒地看到了残酷的现实。However, 19 year-old Beira actually soberly saw the brutal reality.

这场比赛让我们更了解贝拉,他是个天生杀手。This competition lets us understand Beira , he is an inborn murderer.

巴贝拉意式休闲餐厅、唐山总代理。Palestinian Beira Italy type leisure dining room, Tangshan general agent.

贝拉能够扮演终结者角色,能够打进制胜球,他总能完成的很好。Beira to the end of play Role, scored to win the ball, he always done well.

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温格在赛前说的一席话,充分显示了教授对贝拉的喜爱。Wenger said before the game in the message, it shows that Professor of Beira Favorite.

过去两个赛季,阿森纳又将贝拉租借到了西乙萨拉曼卡和西甲。In the past two seasons, Asenna Beira will rent west the second grade Salamanca and Group A.

但温格同样也对本特纳和贝拉两员小将替补上场后出色的表演,不停鼓掌。But Wenger is also on the Beira and Turner 2 young replacement after playing excellent performance, non-stop applause.

实际上,我们此次所发现的克里贝拉属的两个不同物种,其标本采集地之间距离非常接近。In fact, our time discovered the Kerry Beira is two different species, its specimen gathering between is away from is close.

贝拉希望人的战术和他的诺言一样好,在过去两年他被租借前往,现在他已在阿森纳的计划之中。Beira hoped that person's tactic and his promise are equally good, is rented in the past two year him goes, now he already during Asenna plan.

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贝拉感谢教授的指导,“他给了我很多建议,主要是要继续卖力训练,当机会来时能抓住。Beira thanks professor's instruction, "he gave me to suggest, was mainly must continue to go all out the training, when the opportunity came could hold."

周二晚上,贝拉率领阿森纳在杯大胜谢菲尔德联队,他在温格年轻火枪队首发发挥惊人,打进6个中的3个。Tuesday night, Beira leads Asenna to win the Sheffield regiment in the cup, he is astonishing in the Winger young flintlock team first round display, sneaks in 6 3.

闯荡两年多才回到兵工厂的贝拉赛后非常兴奋,“温格的名声是我选择阿森纳的主要原因。The wanderer more than two years only then return to the ordnance factory Beira to be after the game excited, "Winger's reputation is I chooses Asenna primary cause."

尽管,生活环境、学习环境、周遭的人和事务都发生了很大的变化,但对于贝拉来说却丝毫没有太多的影响。Although, living environment, learning environment, surrounding people and affairs, great changes have taken place, but it did nothing for the Beira do not have much impact.

想象下只剩下20分钟,而场面上还是平局——我会不惜一切取得胜利”不管怎么说,穆里尼奥的个人职业生涯里不失一场主场比赛已经延续了将近五年,从2002年2月迎战比拉马的比赛中打败对手开始。In any case, Mourinho's personal run without losing a league game at home stretches to nearly five years, to a defeat when in charge of Porto against Beira Mar in February 2002.

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不过温格在此前已经明言,像上演帽子戏法的贝拉这样的球员,只是阿森纳为未来的准备,而非目前就能够为球队负责的人。But Wenger has previously made it clear that, like the hat trick of Beira such players, Arsenal is ready for the future and not be able to present to the person in charge of the team.

第31分钟,贝拉先展现了助攻能力,在前场躲开堵截后妙传本特纳,丹麦前锋一蹴而就。The 31st minute, Beira has unfolded the secondary attack ability first, after the preceding performance shunts blocks off fancies pass this Turner, the Danish vanguards get it done in one action.