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突然,前途的问题明确地出现在我眼前。Suddenly the problem of future loomed tangibly for me.

芳香在他心中唤出了她的容貌,栩栩如生,几乎伸手可及。The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him.

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情感是人与人心之间联系的纽带。Emotion tangibly links from one person’s heart into another.

良好的卫生系统每天显著改善民众的生活。A good health system improves people's lives tangibly every day.

什么是摩尔,它有实际值,我们可以很明白的掌握的。What is the mole? Mole is a more practical value, something that we can handle tangibly.

清晰的描述目标往往是件困难的事情,如果你很年轻或是单身就更是如此。It's often hard to tangibly state what your goals are, especially if you're young and single.

中国全面履行入世承诺和进一步对外开放市场的努力取得明显成效。China's efforts in honoring WTO commitments and opening wider to the outside world have paid off tangibly.

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但它可能没有确实地对团队生产力或者软件工作产品的可度量的质量的增加做出贡献。But it may not contribute tangibly to increasing team productivity or the measurable quality of software work products.

更确定的是,两组律师都不理解采购部门如何会给律师事务所的挑选流程带来“附加值”。More tangibly , neither group of lawyers understood how the procurement function could "add value" to the law firm selection process.

仿佛触摸得到一般,他越来越分明地感到有一股坚定的、像这天穹一样不可动摇的力量正在注入他的灵魂。But with every instant he felt clearly and, as it were, tangibly , that something firm and unshakable as that vault of heaven had entered into his soul.

那股气息使她的容貌栩栩如生地,几乎是触摸得到地显现在他眼前。金融的世界突然缩成一个遥远的小黑点。她就在隔壁房间里——相距不出二十步远。The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him. The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck. And she was in the next room—twenty steps away.

希望特别行政区继续保持繁荣稳定的良好势头,把发展摆在首位,让香港民众得到实实在在的利益。He hopes the Hong Kong SAR will maintain the good momentum of prosperity and stability, put priority on development and benefit the Hong Kong people tangibly.

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芙娜是你王妃的妹妹,更确切地说是你将来的侧妃,你还能杀了她不成?The Fu Nuo is your imperial concubine's younger sister, extra tangibly say is you the side imperial concubine in the future, you can also slay her don't chance?

因此,我不能够切实保证香,是一个不可否认的兴奋剂,但是,我可以,不过,举出很多半可信的理论支持香火的巨大推动力量。Hence, I cannot tangibly warrant incense an undeniable stimulant, but, I can, nevertheless, cite many semi-credible theories in support of incense's stimulatory power.

保险作为一种制度安排,其特殊之处在于保险合同所指向的标的物并非一般的商品或者经济现象,而是经济行为中的不确定性。Insurance is used as a kind of system whose target of contract is not for general merchandise or economic phenomenon, say tangibly , but economic indetermination in the behaviors.

这会使我们的社会体制越来越不能切实改善广大人民群众可悲的生活条件。But even muddling through extracts a price in terms of rendering the system less and less able to improve tangibly the miserable conditions of existence for the great mass of people.

在中西文化交流中,中国文学批评或隐或显地受制于西方的强势话语。In the cross-cultural communication between China and the West, the Chinese literary criticism can still feel, tangibly or intangibly , the pressure of the Western hegemonic discourse.

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切实维护好投资者的合法权益,我们必须始终坚持投资者教育和强化市场监管齐抓并举。To tangibly protect the lawful rights and interests of investors, we must insist on the carrying out of both the investor education and the fortification of market regulation, as always.

他指出差异是显而易见的,事实上现今很多公司同时发布了构建于这一技术版本的产品。He noted that the difference can be tangibly seen by the fact that a number of companies are simultaneously releasing products built on the technologies released today. From the press release

金融机构要自觉接受公众的监督,认真受理顾客的投诉,切实改进和规范人民币收付业务。The financial institutions shall consciously accept the public supervision, carefully handle the complaints of the clients and tangibly improve and standardize the RMB deposit and payment businesses.