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为什么学习谶?。Why Study Prophecy?

我的预言是真的!The prophecy was true!

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麦克白在荒野中得到一个预言。Macbeth receives a prophecy on the heath.

不幸言中。The prophecy has unfortunately come true.

这本预言书的每一篇都很重要。Every verse of this prophecy is important.

他对于自己的预言是自相矛盾的说法予以了否定。He denies that his prophecy is self-denying.

分析其中的占卜术、谶、服食。Analysis of the divination, prophecy and take.

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我这一生还从未听过比这更为真实的预言。Never in my life have I heard a truer prophecy.

现在亨利作出了个能自行实现的预言。Now henry had cited a self-fulfilling prophecy.

那就是1260年的预言,一直延伸到公元1798年。The 1260-year prophecy stretches down to AD 1798.

这可能成为一个自我实现的预言。And maybe that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

当然,这也成为一个自我实现的先兆。Of course, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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信任的丧失会导致自我实现的预言。And loss of trust can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

那很可能会成为一个自我实现的预言。And that,very often,becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

那就是我们在圣诞节时读的预言。That's the prophecy that we read around Christmas time.

以下哪个是正确的皮提亚预言?Which of the following is an accurate Pythian prophecy?

其时谶谣的形式也是多种多样的。Prophecy in the form of the time rumors are also varied.

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它载的预言两个老人中点名序号。It contained the prophecy of the two elders named in Num.

实际上,与其说这一梦境是一个梦,不如说它是一个预言。In fact, this dreamland is a prophecy rather than a dream.

以下节录自圣经中的预言有可能不应验吗?What are the chances of Bible prophecy not coming to pass?