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上帝因此而得以流动,喜悦弥漫。Thus God flows back and forth and we delight in His exoticism.

强烈的异国情调是这个项目的设计特色。Strong tastes exoticism is the main focus of the design project.

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并以典型的异国风情童装进行精致的表现。Miss Winniedelicately expresses the typical exoticism of children's garment.

他把这件发生在身上的事作为一桩不幸的落入政治上的异国情调的失足来谈论。He spoke of this as a regrettable lapse into political exoticism on his part.

追求异国情调是英国浪漫主义文学中的一种普遍趋势和文风。There is a prevalent stylistic trend towards exoticism in British Romantic literature.

艺术、时装、设计、开放性和公众性,以及科幻小说都是塞尔维弗洛依的创作素材。Art, fashion, design, exoticism and science fiction are the material of Silvie Fleury 's works.

回到美国后,我得有意识地做个决定,对在北京生活的这段日子,是说得夸张一点好呢,还是平淡一点好。On visits home I had to make a conscious decision whether to exaggerate or downplay the exoticism.

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作品采用多调性创作手法与异国情调相结合,具有独特的音乐风格。With the individual music style, the work combined exoticism with creation method of polytonality.

这个热带美味从餐桌上跳到建筑领域,成就了令人垂涎的珍奇。This tropical delicacy became a symbol of coveted exoticism stretching from cuisine to architecture.

在音乐、绘画和文学中的异国情调闪现出遥远国家里别致的空气与色彩。Exoticism in music, painting, and literature evokes the picturesque atmosphere and color of far-off lands.

主打歌流向巴黎是那种慵懒的、抒情的、充满异国风情的摇滚舞曲。It’s a well-rounded and fashionable album. The title song is a lyrical rock dance, which is full of exoticism.

兔子窝里的蚁冢,混杂中东市集的异国情调,以及新奥尔良的巫毒魅力。An anthill inside a rabbit warren, with all the exoticism of a Middle Eastern bazaar and a touch of New Orleans voodoo.

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第四部分本文通过幽默思维来表现视觉图形要求新、求异、求奇的设计理念。Part four expresses through humorous thought the pursuit of innovation, exoticism and fanaticism in the design of humor.

归化翻译法旨在尽量减少译文中的异国情调,为目的语读者提供一种自然流畅的译文。Domesticating translation strategy aims at reducing the exoticism of the target text, providing a kind of natural and fluent version for the target readers.

有关森村泰昌的研究,多数以欧美学术论文为主,其中多为异国情调的论述。The majority of literature on Morimura has been from European and American perspectives, much of which are brought forth through the lens of oriental exoticism.

整个屋子,质朴而优雅,古典又不失现代,蕴满浓浓异国情愫,每一处微小的细节都能听到浪漫坠地的幸福之音。The full house is simple and elegant, classical and modern which full of great exoticism. Therefore, a romantic sound can be easily heard in every tiny specific.

金融衍生工具的发展规模日益扩大,品种日益多样化和复杂化且呈非均衡化和异国化发展趋势,这有其内在的动因。The increasing extension , variety , complex and the developing trends of non-equilibrium and exoticism of the financial derivative instruments have their inner motives.

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他在诗中对中国、上都、忽必烈汗的描写,并不旨在描摹现实,而是借中国题材作为驰骋想象力、渲染异国情调的艺术空间。His description of China, Xanadu and Kubla Khan is not aiming at drawing pictures of real scenes, but using China as an art space to fly the author's imagination and tinge the poem with exoticism.