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工人们如今打算首先末了的抹光作业。The workers tend to start the fining finishing now.

本文提出一种细化柘榴石磁光膜晶粒的有效方法。A new method for fining grain size has been developed in this peper.

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但起关键作用的还是第一棒和最后一棒。But the first and fining legs usuingly play the most criticing role.

这就让他们更“称职”,于是他们就能够在适当时候离开,为自己找到一份更…They can move on at some point and look for a better fining position.

琼花经受不住命运的作弄,选择一走了之。Flower fining jade does not endure the joke of the destiny, the option left.

伦敦东区的一所学校开创了对违反校规的学生处以罚金的先例。An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules.

证监会向事务委员会提交文件,支持赋予证监会罚款权力。Sfc provided a submission to the panel supporting the provision of fining power to sfc.

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证监会向事务委员会提交文件,支持赋予证监会罚款权力。Sfc provided a submission to the panel supporting the provision of fining power to sfc.

解决这一问题的关键是扩大铸坯等轴晶区比例,细化晶粒。The key to solve these problems is enlarging equiaxed grain zone and fining grain size.

最后,通过监督违纪行为和对乱抛垃圾者处以相应的罚款来执行新法律。Lastly, we enforce the new law by monitoring for violations and fining those who litter.

从官方讲,对随地吐痰是要罚款的。但我从来没有见过哪个警察为此罚过谁。Officially there is a fine for spitting, but I have never seen a policeman fining anyone.

在垂向上,古河道自下而上分为5段,其粒径呈愈向上愈细的趋势。The ancient river channel can be divided into 5 parts vertically, in fining upwards tendency.

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随著葡萄酒,这是再次细化的进程,动物源性成分进行外观。With wine, it is again in the fining process that animal derived ingredients make an appearance.

第三方检验机构出具的干重及水分呈文。对于黄金行情分析下载。Certificconsumed of fining weight showing dry weight ad moisture content issued by third pworky inspection.

第八个和末了的规则,要是这是你在战争俱乐部的初夜,您必需战争。And the eighth a singled fining rule- if this is your first night at fight club- you haudio-videoe to fight.

我公司专业生产冶金机械、玻璃机械、玻璃制品,并承接大、中型钢结构设备的制作及金加工。We are major in the manufacturing of the large and middle-sized steel structure as well as the drawing fining.

阐述了玫瑰茄的用途,玫瑰茄籽油的制取及精炼工艺。The Paper describes the applications of Roselle and the ex tracting and re fining procedures of Roselle seed oil.

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这些玻璃包含作为澄清剂的铁和锡,优选基本上不含砷和锑。The glasses contain iron and tin as fining agents, and preferably are substantially free of arsenic and antimony.

与圆柱形澄清器相比,澄清器横截面具有的高的宽高比能提高澄清效率。The finer cross-section has a high aspect ratio for increased fining efficiency as compared to a cylindrical finer.

金属铸态组织细化的关键是获得大量细小等轴晶。The key to fining the structure of ingot casting lies in the formation of a number of fine equiaxed crystal grains.