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这杂志将两周出一期。This magazine will appear fortnightly.

约翰并非每周去那儿,只是隔周去一次。John goes there fortnightly instead of weekly.

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澳门皇冠为何实施双周薪酬支付制度?。Why do we have fortnightly pay at Crown Macau?

该研究所出版一份双周刊。The institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.

澳门皇冠为何实施双周薪酬支付制度?。Why did we have fortnightly pay at Crown Macau?

他们最近涨了租金,我就每两周付一次房租。They recently put my rent up and I pay it fortnightly.

准备一周一次或两周一次的活动报告和月结报告。Prepare weekly or fortnightly activity report and Month End Report.

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半月刊的讽刺杂志持续的嘲笑。A persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine.

这艘渡船两周才在比马港停靠一次,船下的码头上人头挤挤。The ferry only stops in Bima fortnightly , and the pier below was very crowded.

慈青聚会每两周一次,礼拜五傍晚,轮流在各位师伯或师姑家里举行。Tzu Ching gathering takes places every fortnightly , on Friday, alternating among various SG and SB place.

这也使得管理更简单,因为通常只有一个每两周或每月付帐户。This also makes it simpler to manage as there is usually only one fortnightly or monthly account to pay afterwards.

这个杂志是月刊,但是我的专栏是和另外一个专栏作家合作的,所以我的文章每两周出一回。It's a monthly magazine, but my column will be shared with another columnist so my articles will be due fortnightly.

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爵爷,朝廷里有势力的大贵族之一,在巴黎城里他的大邸宅中举行半月一次的招待会。Monseigneur, one of the great lords in power at the court, held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in paris.

澳大利亚一项最新研究表明,与一次性付清年费的健身者相比,每两周预付一次健身费的人更经常去健身房锻炼。for the gym fortnightly rather than annually will turn up for workouts more often, according to new Australian research.

针对在文化、艺术方面有较高要求的中高端文化消费者的文化资讯半月刊。A cultural information fortnightly for the middle- and high-end cultural consumers who have high demand in the culture and art.

约翰李察斯,84岁,留了一袋包装整齐的提袋在一个灯柱式的垃圾箱内,而没有为两周一次的收垃圾服务再多等十天。John Richards, 84, left a neatly parcelled carrier bag in a lamp-post bin rather than wait ten days for his fortnightly waste collection.

澳大利亚一项最新研究表明,与一次性付清年费的健身者相比,每两周预付一次健身费的人更经常去健身房锻炼。People who fork outfor the gym fortnightly rather than annually will turn up for workouts more often, according to new Australian research.

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吾理想中之好杂志为半月刊,集健谈好友几人,半月一次,密室闲谈。My idea of a good magazine is a fortnightly where we bring a group of good talkers together in a small room once in a fortnight and let them chat together.

我们知道你们中的很多人都想把你的手放在新赛季的水平,正如我们在前一周的文章中所说,我们对他们的工作。We know that many of you are desperate to get your hands on new campaign levels and, as we've said in the previous fortnightly post, we are working on them.

这份签署日期为4月1日的传真要求在接下来六个月中,每两周运送2.5万吨汽油,并强调了“油轮转运”的可能性。The fax, dated April 1, requests fortnightly 25,000-tonne shipments of gasoline for the next six months, highlighting the possibility of "tanker-to-tanker transfer."