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蜡制品工人把一个新蜡像搬进了屋。The waxworker brought a new waxwork into the room.

她的脸看上去很苍白,像是烛光下的蜡人像。Clare is so pale she lookslike a waxwork in the candlelight.

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他一动不动,或者说他动不了,毕竟他只是一座蜡像。He does not move. He cannot move. But then, he is only a waxwork.

那个税务员带着一把重斧头去蜡像馆参观蜡像。The taxman went to see a waxwork in the waxworks with a heavy ax.

这是古代“账房”的蜡像,类似我们今天的会计。This is the waxwork of ancient "treasurer", just like today accountant.

更糟的是,那时他们看到有人站在希特勒蜡像旁行军礼。And then, to make matters worse, they notice people saluting next to Hitler's waxwork.

博物馆也需要等凯特决定是否捐出一件自己的衣服给蜡像穿。The museum was also waiting to hear if Middleton would donate an outfit for the waxwork.

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上海杜莎夫人蜡像馆出售的纪念水壶上也印上了奥巴马的照片。Souvenir cups show the waxwork likeness of President Obama at Madame Tussauds in Shanghai.

凯特蜡像的外貌会根据她本人的意愿制作,服装业要看她十分愿意捐出旧衣。Middleton's waxwork look will depend on what she wants and whether she can donate clothing.

黎明来临,阳光缓缓地洒进展厅,里面的蜡像依然立在原位。The dawn comes. Slowly the light creeps into the room where the waxwork figures stand in their places.

税务局把税务稽查员给解雇了,因为那个税务员带着一把重斧头去蜡像馆参观蜡像。The taxman gave the taxman the axe because the taxman went to see a waxwork in the waxworks with a heavy ax.

上海东方明珠塔底层历史陈列馆蜡像。清朝末年的上海贫民窟。Waxwork depicting Shanghai rookery in late 19th century, Shanghai History Museum, basement of Oriental Pearl Tower.

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事实上,那对夫妇拍摄的两位靠近蜡像叫喊希特勒万岁的年轻游客,其中一个在用另一只手在摸蜡像的胡子。The couple actually photographed two young tourists heil-Hitlering next to the waxwork and one of them is doing the moustache with her other hand.

布尔多特博士在展台上面无表情地看着这个死人。他一动不动,或者说他动不了,毕竟他只是一座蜡像。And Dr Bourdette watches the dead man from his stand, without any show of feeling. He does not move. He cannot move. But then, he is only a waxwork.

一开始是些文本作品,绘画和卡通画,现在则是实实在的冒烟的卡车和旧料桶,蜡像模型甚至是仿造公共厕所。What began as a collection of text works, paintings and cartoon imagery has made way for real-life smoking trucks and skips, waxwork models and even a replica public toilet.