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我们在孟买登陆。We landed at Bombay.

我建议孟买蓝宝石。B. I'd suggest Bombay Saphirre.

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你的意思是说把他赶出孟买?You mean throw him out of Bombay?

其中一个,刚好是在这儿孟买丢的。One was lost right here in Bombay.

孟买会展中心。Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO Ltd.

萨姆下月将解缆前往孟买吗?Will Sam leave for Bombay next month?

我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。From Bombay we made a long leg to Singapore.

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这条船从苏伊上直接开往孟买吗?And does she go from suez directly to Bombay?

奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay.

许多孟买人都有“随遇而安”的生活态度。A lot of Bombay people have a chalta hai attitude.

祖宾•梅塔出生在孟买并在维也纳接受音乐教育。Zubin Mehta was born in Bombay and trained in Vienna.

印度中西部城市,位于孟买东南偏东处。A city of west-central India east-southeast of Bombay.

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可是,拉蒂巴姨,为什么是你来孟买挣钱呢?But Ratti Bai, why did you come to Bombay to earn money?

目前苏司兰公司正将孟买股票市场上市。Suzlon currently is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

离开孟买的第三十二天就开始就出现了不详之兆。The thirty-second day out of Bombay began inauspiciously.

她说,“我正打算把我的时间分来在孟买和加拿大之间。I am planning to divide my time between Bombay and Canada now.

伦敦到新加坡的班机途中在孟买作短暂停留。On the London-Singapore flight there is a stop-over at Bombay.

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大部分的办公室都关了门,孟买证券交易所也不例外。Most offices were closed, along with the Bombay Stock Exchange.

躺在孟买的一个密室里,下巴都懒得动,不想说什么。Lying in a den in Bombay , with a slack jaw and not much to say.

狗肚鱼洗净,去骨起肉,用腌料腌2小时。Rinse Bombay duck fish. Bone and marinate the flesh for 2 hours.