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睡眠不足会引起什么症状?What symptom can Morpheus inadequacy cause?

睡眠不足会出现什么样的症状呢?Can Morpheus inadequacy appear what kind of symptom?

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于是,他更强烈地感到自己的不足。As a result, he felt his own inadequacy more strongly.

通气不足的主观特征是呼吸困难。The subjective feature of ventilatory inadequacy is dyspnea.

他作用于对所有认真的读者挥之不去的不适感。It plays on every serious reader’s lingering sense of inadequacy.

究其根源,还在于学生的语言输入不足。This is mainly due to the inadequacy of the students?language input.

有没有什么办法能治睡眠不足,失眠?!Have what method to be able to treat Morpheus inadequacy , insomnia? !

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消瘦是由饮食的热量不足引起的症状。Marasmus is the condition resulting from caloric inadequacy of the diet.

在通常情况下,她还是能够忍受她那拥挤寒碜的家庭生活。In general, she could accept the family life in all its crowded inadequacy.

中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视吗?High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia?

你的自尊一直在心底默默地感知着一个的不足。Your self-esteem has been listening and internalizing every perceived inadequacy.

我们最需要做的,是克服缺点和改进不足之处。What we need to do most is to overcome shortcomings and to improve the inadequacy.

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我们距离大城市芝加哥只有90英里,因此我们有时候会有一些友谊赛。We're 90 miles from big-shouldered Chicago, so we sometimes have bouts of inadequacy.

正如标普的声明所清晰表述的,协议的力度不够是唯一的动因。As S&P's announcement makes clear, the inadequacy of the deal was only one motivation.

不到两个月就有不错的排名,很容易导致后劲不足。Do not have pretty good rank to two months, bring about aftereffect inadequacy very easily.

不善于体育,他恐惧失败和嘲笑和由不适当的感觉消耗。Not good at sports, he feared failure and ridicule and was consumed by feelings of inadequacy.

但是,现有的党务管理信息系统却存在着很多不足。But, existing party work management information system is existing however a lot of inadequacy.

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我了解自己的不足,很敏锐地捕捉教育新闻并非我的长项。I understand my inadequacy , very what catch educational news exquisitely to be not me is long.

这是这种不称职之感,驱使他投入这个明显其貌不扬的女人怀抱。It is his sense of inadequacy that drives him into the arms of a significantly less attractive woman.

本须知如有未尽善处,大会保留修改权利。If there is any inadequacy in the guidelines, the Organizer reserves the right for appropriate amendments.