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通讯社有大约37000名学生。IPS has about 37,000 students.

前面已经提到,我们必须使用固定IP。As already mentioned we have to use fixed IPs.

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有手,我们可以切换,如果被列入黑名单的IP。Have IPs on hand that we can switch if blacklisted.

回顾性分析50例间歇性预激综合征的心电图。Method Trace back and analyze ECG of 50 cases of IPS.

这些质粒将细胞转变成诱导性多功能干细胞。The plasmids caused the cells to turn into iPS cells.

me需要PHP5的支持才能正常工作。 also needs support for PHP5 to work properly.

然后提出一种基于深度防御原则的深度入侵防御系统模型。Proposes an IPS model based on defense-in-depth theory.

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脉冲负荷具有极高瞬时功率,它的使用必将对系统电能质量带来较大的影响。The impact of pulsed power loads on IPS is examined in this paper.

同时也提出了基于AMBA总线的IP核封装规范。The criteria of wrapping IPs based on AMBA bus is also put forward.

斯堪的纳维亚国家的人均IP地址数最高。The Scandinavian countries have the highest number of IPs per person.

我们只有在拥有合法权利时,才会使用第三方知识产权。We use third party IPs only when we have a legitimate right to do so.

大意是已经拥有了最大数量的IP,如果还不满足的话,去客服那申请,并提供正当理由。You are currently at the maximum number of IPs allowed for this Linode.

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测试中,当防火墙和IPS均启用时,设备达到179Mbps的流量。During the test, the unit reached 179 Mbps with the firewall and IPS enabled.

在这样的心境之下,有些人甚至想弄个24的MVA或者IPS的液晶。In such a state of mind, and some people even think Longgan 24 MVA or IPS LCD.

沃尼格博士的团队采用了类似的技术,不过省掉了iPS“加油”的过程。Dr Wernig's team used a similar technique, but dispensed with the iPS "pit stop".

解决此问题可借助于诱导多能干细胞,或称iPS。A way around the problem is something called an induced pluripotent stem cell, or iPS.

台湾电力公司发电容量的百分之三十多是由英维斯过程系统控制和监控。More than 30 percent of TPC's MW generation is controlled and monitored by IPS systems.

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扬子石化-巴斯夫一体化石化基地项目可研已通过国务院审核批准。The feaasility report of Yangzi-BASF IPS Project has been approved by the State Council.

Loring没有打算用Fatu和Loon的iPS细胞来复制这些个体。Loring does not plan to use the iPS cells of Fatu and of Loon to clone these individuals.

在未来,人类男性诱导性多能干细胞可能在试管中产生卵母细胞。In the future, it may also be possible to generate human oocytes from male iPS cells in vitro.