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什么叫清肺?What is clearing the lung ?

我把足球的案例擦掉吧So clearing off my soccer game.

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一只老虎突然出现在林中空地上。A tiger borke into the clearing.

一头棕熊走进了这块空地。A brown bear entered the clearing.

巴布亚岛砍伐森林清整土地Logging for Land Clearing in Papua

天气好像会放晴。The weather looks like clearing up.

处理及清销好所有发票事宜。Handling and Clearing all the invoices.

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雪霁。It's stopped snowing and is clearing up.

这就是所谓的“清洗和染色”。This is known as "clearing and staining".

这完全取决于天气是否会放晴。It all depends on the weather clearing up.

透明剂包括苯和二甲苯。Clearing agents include benzene and xylene.

当我在空地上看到她时,我很是惊讶。I was surprised to see her in the clearing.

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我们来到了黑森林中的空地。Then we came to a clearing in the dark woods.

我们从她办公室的杂物开始。We started by clearing her office of clutter.

塞龙什么时候被送去野战医院的?。When was Theron sent to the clearing hospital?

因为我们现在正在清仓。Because we're clearing out our stock right now.

清除一个输入域会导致空字符串。Clearing an input field causes an empty string.

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野兔沿着林中空地的边缘飞快跑去。The hare darted along the edge of the clearing.

此外,明确目标可以少走弯路。Moreover, clearing objectives can avoid detours.

在左侧,中国工人正在清理灌木丛。On the left, Chinese workers are clearing bushland.