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仿佛电影里不详的主题音乐随之响起。Cue ominous theme music from Dragnet.

虽然目前还没有正式的指控,但这样的事件令投资者饱受惊吓。No charges have been filed, but the dragnet alarmed investors.

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这样能同时提高多个搜索网站的权重!Can increase the weight that many dragnet stand at the same time so!

在过去的十一年里,肯逃脱了国际抓捕网。Over the past eleven years, Ken has eluded an international dragnet.

他的气息,就像一张天罗地网,将她整个人笼罩住。His breathing is like a tight dragnet and covers with her whole individual.

安全网,或者说它的剩余部分,已经演变成为了法网。The safety net, or what remains of it, has been transformed into a dragnet.

至于收购搜索网站,我们现在还没有看到更有价值的消费模式。As to buy dragnet to stand, we had not seen more valuable spending pattern at present.

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携程告去哪儿也可以说是对所有搜索网站的一个挑战。Carrying Cheng where to accuse to also can say is a challenge that stands to all dragnet.

它不仅严密了刑事法网,而且增强了打击金融犯罪的力度。It not only tight the dragnet of crime justice, and strengthen strength of stroke finance crime.

专业领域搜索网站近年呈现出快速发展的态势。Professional domain dragnet stands to present the state that gives rapid development in recent years.

随着国际调查的进一步进行,一些新名字出现了。这些名字都是旧系统里面的关键人物。Some new names of key players in the old system have also now emerged as the international investigative dragnet continues.

并且,峻厉科罚地震慑力常常被法网疏漏所招致地幸运心理所抵销。And, the earthquake Zhe of the scathing penalty dint is by luck usually caused by the dragnet of justice careless omission mental state offset.

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美国民众自由协会告知国会,在最近的一个案例中FBI为了寻找一名嫌犯的数据,不惜撒网筛选了180位民众的数据。The ACLU recently told Congress of a case in which, while looking for data on a suspect, the FBI apparently used a dragnet approach and took data on another 180 people.

“在技术的伪装下,政府可以很容易的多次分步骤的对美国私人通讯进行收集”卡拉博瑞斯说."Under the guise of a technical fix, the government looks to be taking one more step toward conducting easy dragnet collection of Americans' most private communications," Calabrese said.

调查人员正在努力确认,爆炸人员是如何在伊拉克首都的市中心再次躲过安检网的,此地的大量检查点都布有爆炸物探测棒。Investigators were trying to establish how the bombers again slipped a security dragnet in the heart of the capital that makes extensive use of explosive detection wands at numerous checkpoints.