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禁用其他的复选框。Disable other checkboxes.

禁用无用的推理。Disable Useless Theorizing.

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禁止反病毒软件的运行。Disable anti-virus software.

禁止登陆到此服务器。Disable logons to the server.

关闭声音提醒和弹出提示。Disable sound alerts and popups.

应该禁止自动折词。May disable automatic word wrap.

通过命令行禁用UACDisable UAC from the Command Line

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禁用基于主机的身份验证Disable host-based authentication

有两种方式可以禁用UAC。There are two ways to disable UAC.

禁用拖放和就地编辑功能Disable drag and drop and in-place editing

激活或者禁止实时拼写检查Enable or disable real-time spell checking

仅针对管理员自动接收UAC提示Disable UAC Prompts for Administrators Only

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禁用“可分解芳香胺染料”。Disable "decomposable aromatic amine dyes."

我将在迁移结束后再次禁用它。I will disable it again after the migration.

记得关闭呼叫等待。Disable call-waiting if you have that service.

他正在开发一种阻塞这个通道的药物。He is developing a drug to disable the channel.

启用掉电检测功能。Disable Brownout Detect function and save power.

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禁用自动更新的一个水龙头在屏幕上。Disable auto-updates with one tap on the screen.

我可以在哲基尔完全禁用减价解析吗?。Can I disable markdown parsing in Jekyll entirely?

为了冻结一个模板,您可以取消它旁边复选框的选择。To disable a template, uncheck the box next to it.