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人的故城是芝加哥。Chicago is my hometown.

他乘火车去芝加哥。He entrained for Chicago.

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我可以在芝加哥中途下车吗?Can I stop over in Chicago?

1922年,阿姆斯特郎来到芝加哥。In 1922 he went to Chicago.

他们都住在芝加哥。All of them live in Chicago.

杰西卡•叶琳现在在芝加哥。Jessica Yellin is in Chicago.

一号轨道通往芝加哥。T track No. 1 is for Chicago.

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芝加哥公牛队名列第三。The Chicago Bulls ranked 3rd.

你要在芝加哥作短暂停留。You have a layover in Chicago.

萨姆是芝加哥的一名建筑师。Sam is an architect in Chicago.

我是约翰.P.班克斯,在芝加哥。And I'm John P.Banks in Chicago.

他们希望在芝加哥定居。They hoped to locate in Chicago.

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芝加哥确实是风之城啊!Chicago really is the windy city!

我的航班在芝加哥延误了。My flight was delayed in Chicago.

那批货以一般货运寄至芝加哥。The goods were billed to Chicago.

米勒是1989年去美国的,一年后,迪杰克在芝加哥和米勒相遇。They met as teen-agers in Chicago.

在芝加哥商业交易所?At the Chicago Mercantile Exchange?

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明天以前我必须到达芝加哥。I have to go to Chicago by tomorrow.

想在芝加哥找点什么事来做做?Looking for things to do in Chicago?

芝加哥公牛队新雇了一名后卫。The Chicago Bull bought a new guard.