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纽约市的一个议员也正在提议类似的法律立案。New York City councilman is proposing a similar law.

议员史蒂夫。沃尔福森问此次交易对城市是否存在风险。Councilman Steve Wolfson asked if there were any risks to the city in the deal.

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州众议员孟广瑞和市议员刘醇逸皆出席了会议。State Assemblyman Jimmy Meng and City Councilman John Liu attended the meeting.

耶路撒冷市议员皮勒格支持这个计划,而计划可能在下个星期通过。Jerusalem Councilman Elisha Peleg supports the plan, which could be approved next week.

卡洛奥坎市议员达格萨当时正在为3名家人拍照。Reynaldo Dagsa, councilman of Caloocan City, was taking a picture of 3 of his family members.

俄亥俄州一名自诩是回归土地典范的市议员,有了黏答答的棘手问题。An Ohio city councilman who prides himself on being a back-to-the-land type has a sticky problem.

市议员丹尼尔·导尔莫和凯尔特人之梦舞蹈团的成员在他的就职典礼中一起表演“Y.M.C.A”。City Councilman Daniel Dromm and members of the Keltic Dreams Irishdance group performed "Y.M.C.A.

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尽管如此,巴里后来再次赢得选举,第四次担任市长。他现在76岁了,仍是市议员。Despite that setback, he was reelected mayor for a fourth term and at age 76 is now a city councilman.

市议员耐吉麦蒂•艾利杜雷米向我们保证说马穆迪耶现在是“伊拉克最安全的一个地方。”Mahmudiya, as city councilman Najim Mehdi al-Duleimi boasted to us, is "one of the safest places in Iraq.

市议员李察.维特说,接获许多有关酒吧内恶劣行为的抱怨,促使他提出这项法案。City Councilman Richard Veit said he was prompted to propose the bill after complaints about bad bar behavior.

郭亚伦市议员拜访纽约中华公所,就目前社区极为关注的热点问题与社区侨领交换意见。New York City Councilman Alan Gerson visited CCBA, and exchanged opinions on different topics of the community.

有一帮宪兵去逮捕一名市议员,他的妻子抱着婴孩到门口堵住了路,宪兵就开枪把她打死了。One group of gendarmes went to arrest a city councilman. His wife came to the door with her baby in her arms and barred the way.

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议员史蒂夫。罗斯说,捷步达康的计划将符合市议会实现商业区的愿望。Councilman Steve Ross said the Zappos project will fit into the city council's vision of what it has hoped to accomplish downtown.

市议员乔·布斯卡有两个孩子在LAUSD学校,他抱怨地区紧急警报系统存在不足。City Councilman Joe Buscaino, who has two children in LAUSD schools, complained about the lack of a timely district-wide emergency alert system.

据美国有线电视新闻网报道,菲律宾一位被枪杀的市议员在临死前,拍下了即将扣动扳机打死他的凶手照片。Moments before being shot, a local councilman in the Philippines captured a photograph of the man who was about to pull the trigger, CNN reported.

马上,一辆带氧气瓶的救火车首先赶到了。紧接着,一辆救护车将参议员运送到相邻的格罗斯波尼特街的波恩塞考斯医院。Within moments a fire-rescue unit arrived with oxygen, then an ambulance took the councilman to the Bon Secours Hospital in neighboring Grosse Point.

华裔选民联盟联同刘醇逸市议员办公室的「青年行动队」,在华埠街头全力推动华人参与选举活动。The Chinese-American Voters Federation and the "Youth Action Team" from Councilman John Liu's Office, is promoting voters registration in the Chinatown area.

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伍锐贤主席到市议会出席由郭亚伦市议员推动的华埠交通安全月记者招待会。President Eric Ng attended the kick-off press conference of the Chinatown Traffic Safety Awareness Month, which was held by Councilman Alan Gerson inside the City Hall.

据路透社2月5日报道,这位名叫吉姆·肯尼的市议会议员不久前专程到芝加哥市考察了符合环保原则的城市建设计划,其中包括用橡胶来建造人行道。City councilman Jim Kenney recently toured Chicago to see environmentally-friendly city projects there. He came back with a number of ideas on which he plans to hold hearings.

在唐人街二月一号的游行中,也有吉莉布兰德的竞争对手州议会议长谢尔顿·西尔瓦和议员约翰·刘的身影。At the Chinatown parade on Feb. 1, Gillibrand was flanked by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, whose district includes Chinatown, and Councilman John Liu, who represents Flushing.