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我感到挫败。I felt defeated.

谁击败了他?Who defeated him?

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查克认输了。Chuck was defeated.

他是我的手下败将。He is my defeated foe.

于是曹操就被打败了。Thus Cao Cao was defeated.

我感觉完全被打败了。I felt completely defeated.

我大败了黑巫师!I defeated the dark sorcerer!

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谁击溃瓦解了奥托曼帝国?Who defeated the Ottoman Empire?

那将军被彻底击败。The general was totally defeated.

我大败了黑巫师!耶!I defeated the dark sorcerer! Woot!

哥马希亚队以1比0击败豹队。Gor Mahia defeated the Leopards, 1-0.

可桃子不能打败太龙。But peaches can not defeated Tai Long.

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哈马斯击败了执政党法塔赫。Hamas defeated the ruling Fateh party.

他们在那次战斗中打败敌人。They defeated the enemy in the battle.

我们甚至都战胜了一夫一妻制的狂热!We'd defeated the madness of monogamy!

然而申恪却击败了日军。Yet ShenKe defeated the Japanese army.

汉尼拔于公元前216年打败了罗马军。Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 BC.

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败兵无精打采地拖着脚步回营。The defeated army trailed back to camp.

败军在轭门下通过。The defeated army passed under the yoke.

四年级学生以三比一战胜了三年级学生。The seniors defeated the juniors by 3-1.