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桂林的每座山都有洞。Each hill in Guilin has caves.

这是桂林市的标志。It is the symbol of Guilin City.

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桂林有溶洞。There are karst caves in Guilin.

桂林街上的食品是很受欢迎的。Street food is favorite in Guilin.

桂林一游使我大饱眼福。The tour of Guilin glutted my eyes.

有多少人去过桂林?How many people have been to Guilin?

有些旅游者认为张家界比桂林还要好。Some of them even prefer it to Guilin.

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我想他们在桂林一定玩得很开心。I guess they had a good time in Guilin.

她专差去桂林。She went to Guilin on a special mission.

他选择了桂林当地的一家电子公司。He chose an electronic company in Guilin.

简单来说,桂林是值得一游的地方。In short, Guilin is a city deserves to go.

他们寄给了我几张桂林的图片。They have sent me some pictures of Guilin.

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他们寄给了我几张桂林的图片。They have sent me some pictures for Guilin.

桂林因风景优美而出名。Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries.

桂林德智外国语学校好不好?Is Guilin Dezhi foreign language school good?

两个孩子玩耍在桂林的夜市场里。Two children play in a night market in Guilin.

桂林哪里有卖迪奥香水?Where does Guilin have selling the Diao perfume?

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米粉是桂林久负盛名的小吃。Rice noodles are the most famous snack in Guilin.

桂林石美人,青山,水秀,洞。Guilin stone beauty, green hills, water show, hole.

桂林的水则是清澈透明﹑绿得欲滴。Guilin is transparent water, green is about to drip.