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血卟啉注射液就是血卟啉的无菌水溶液。Hematoporphyrinactual injection is an asepsis liquor of hematoporphyrin.

治疗无菌性股骨头坏死有什么特效药?Is head of femur of remedial asepsis sex necrotic what specific is there?

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结论为替硝唑注射液无菌检查方法提供依据。CONCLUSION Provides the basis for the tinidazole injection asepsis inspection method.

经密封包装后灭菌,无菌、无热原。It is treated with sterilization after sealing packing without asepsis and heat source.

目的探讨胰岛素注射液启封后无菌保存期,以及保存期内药物活性变化。Objective To study the asepsis period and immunological activity of insulin injection after removing seal.

有水疱者需在无菌条件下操作,用注射器抽出疱内渗液后再使用本品。Must handle in asepsis condition when have blain, draw out the succus in the blain by a syringe before sprayed.

对照组常规换药,创面用无菌纱布覆盖。The control group was treated with routine treatment and the wound surface only was covered with asepsis gauze.

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专用于生产乳品、果汁等饮料的无菌灌装机生产线。Uses in producing drink specially and so on dairy product, fruit juice asepsis racking machine production line.

方法加强病区微生物学监测和病区卫生管理,严格无菌操作。Methods Enhancing microbiology monitors at the disease area, and disease area hygiene management, and keeping asepsis.

食品行业的高速、无菌灌装设备、贴标机等关键设备制造。Manufacturing of key equipment in food industry such as high-speed asepsis canning equipment and brander equipment etc.

以荷兰青瓜无菌苗的顶芽为外植体进行组织培养。The tissue culture of the Netherlands cucumber was studied by using the asepsis seeding of apical buds as the explants.

食品行业的高速、无菌灌装设备、贴标机等关键设备制造。Manufacturing of key equipment in food industry such as high-speed asepsis canning equipment and brander equipment, etc.

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人机界面,可编程控制、气动、伺服电机驱动,先进的杀菌与无菌保障。Man-machine inter-facial can program logic control, pneumatic, servo motor drive, advanced sterilizing and asepsis keeping.

无菌型管式杀菌机,专为豆浆、液体饮料、牛乳、果汁等无菌包装设备配套设计。Asepsis pipe sterilizing machine, which is special for soymilk , liquid beverage , milk and fruit juice asepsis packing matched designing.

提睾肌和输精管结扎后可短期在局部形成一个无菌性的炎性区域,引起疼痛。After the flesh that carry Gao and seminiferous duct ligate but short-term be in local the phlogistic sex that forms an asepsis sex area, cause ache.

我朋友得病需要无菌隔离检查,问他他也不说得什么病,谁能告诉我估计是什么病么?My friend go to the bad needs asepsis to keep apart an examination, ask him he also does not say what is illy, who can tell me what disease estimation is?

如包皮上翻时困难,要用无菌棉擦拭,不要强行上翻以免产生包皮嵌顿。Be like the difficulty when breaking up on wrapping, want to be wiped with asepsis cotton, lest produce wrapping to embed, break up on not ambitious travel.

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目的检测启封后普通型胰岛素注射液的无菌保存期,指导临床或病人使用胰岛素期限。Objective To detect the asepsis storage period of insulin injection after seal removing, and to instruct the usage period of insulin during clinical practice.

本品由一次性使用无菌导尿管、一次性薄膜手套、治疗巾、引流袋、镊子、纱布块、棉球、托盘、包布等组成。Made up of asepsis catheter for single use, membrane glove for single use, therapy cloth, leading flow bag, gauze piece, tampon, salver , wrap cloth and so on.

采用凸转连杆组合机构设计出了应用于高速无菌砖式包装机的容量调整装置。The content adjustment device applied to high speed asepsis brick styled packing machine was designed by adopting the cam connecting-rod combination mechanism.