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在他治下,异见者杀无赦。In his Libya, dissent was punishable by death.

中国斟酌减少适用死刑罪行。China mulls less crimes punishable by execution.

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在利比亚,同性恋是非法的,要处以牢狱之刑。Homosexuality is illegal, punishable by jail time, in Libya.

贪污纳贿、失职是受到惩治的主要原因。The punishable causations were corruption and breach of duty.

什么罪是该罚的要是是贪图的但不应罚的要是是忠诚的?。What crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed?

他们是,在上帝的法庭中,一项死罪,应该受到永远死亡的惩罚。They are, in God's courtroom, a capital crime, punishable by eternal death.

严重的藐视法庭的行为是犯罪行为,可处罚金、监禁或并处。Criminal contempt is crime that is punishable by fine or imprisonment or both.

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凡拒绝受洗和受洗后反悔的都以死刑论罪。To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.

这只是一条小规则,跟无礼差不多,可能只是温和的惩戒一下。It was a minor rule, rather like rudeness, punishable only by gentle chastisement.

杀害濒临绝种物种可处12年有期徒刑及高额罚款。Killing endangered species is punishable by a 12-year prison term and stiff fines.

尽管仍没有被强制执行,但是集团的所有成员都被判处了死刑。Membership of the group is punishable by death, though this has not been enforced.

但在一个同性恋可被处死的社会中,这部电影是发人深省的。But in a society where homosexuality is punishable by death, the movie is thought-provoking.

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他同时还将面临相当于成年人获刑1-3年牢狱刑期的4级重罪指控。He also faces a Class 4 felony charge, which for an adult is punishable by 1-3 years in prison.

根据阿富汗现在的法令,这个组织的成员会被处以死刑。Under the law of the Taliban, who control the country, membership in RAWA is punishable by death.

该部分试图回答行为可罚性较具体的根据到底是什么。In this part, the author manages to answer what is the specific punishable justification of an act.

此外他还要面对弗吉尼亚州斗狗案的长达5年的牢狱生涯。He still faces state dogfighting charges in Virginia that are punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

他还将面临在弗吉尼亚州的斗狗指控,如果罪名成立,他将被处于5年以下有期徒刑。He still faces state dogfighting charges in Virginia that are punishable by up to five years in prison.

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非法持有不带这种税票的烟草产品,将成为受到法律惩罚的犯罪行为。"Illegal possession of tobacco products without this stamp will be a criminal offence punishable by law".

在某些情况下,这种状态会立即遭到死亡的惩罚,轻则也是流放。Under certain conditions, such a status is immediately punishable by death or in lesser cases, banishment.

同时分析得出亲属容隐制度不具有刑法可罚性,符合了非犯罪化的世界潮流。Simultaneously we can educe that the relative concealment is not punishable according with the world trend.