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她抱定儿子并没有死的希望不放。He clung to his own view.

泥粘在我的鞋子上。The mud clung to my shoes.

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这个怕羞的女孩紧贴着妈妈。The shy child clung to her mother.

他固执地持他的选择。Obstinately he clung to his choice.

小猴子紧紧偎着它妈妈。The baby monkey clung to its mother.

他双手紧紧攥住绳子。He clung to the rope with both hands.

雾裹住了他们,又潮又冷。The fog clung to them, damp and chilly.

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他们紧紧地抱在一起,冷得直发抖。They clung together, shivering with cold.

父亲的遗言萦绕在他脑际。His father's last words clung to his memory.

他的日记中有好多页都粘在一起了。Many pages of his diary have clung together.

皮鞋和裤子上沾着斑斑点点的粪块。Bits of manure clung to his shoes and trousers.

分别的时候到了,他们紧抱着不肯分开。They clung together when the time came to part.

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还有一些人则墨守旧党派的传统。And others simply clung to old party traditions.

儿子告别时,母亲紧紧抓住他不放。The mother clung to her son as he said good-bye.

她紧紧挨着父亲,恳求他答应。She clung to her father, beseeching him for consent.

白花花的草湿漉漉地粘在鞋上。The hay was blonde and damp and clung to their shoes.

一位母亲搅动着明火上大盘子里煮着的肉丸,她的背后用色彩鲜艳的布巾系着一个宝宝。A baby in a brightly coloured sling clung to her back.

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我祖父总是墨守一些旧思想。My grandfather has always clung onto oldfashioned ideas.

比如,匈牙利就坚持征收这项关税将近五年。Hungary, for example, clung to them for almost five years.

他抓住那贼死抱着不放,一直到有人来支援。He seized the thief and clung on to him until help arrived.