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弗里蒙特因此退出了竞选。Fremont withdrew from the race.

饭后女士们退席了。After dinner the ladies withdrew.

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老鼠们大为沮丧地告退了。The mice withdrew in great dismay.

发现其中空空如也时,她把手缩回来。Finding nothing there, she withdrew it.

他们收回这一地区并且在这里定居。They withdrew and settled in this area.

鲍勃·奎克后来撤消了指控。He subsequently withdrew the accusation.

他轻率地从比赛中退出。He withdrew precipitately from the race.

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驻守在那里的几个士兵仓皇地撤走了。The few soldiers there withdrew in panic.

北韩于2003年宣布退出这项条约。North Korea withdrew from the NPT in 2003.

她怯怯地从他的胳膊中抽出手来。She withdrew her hand timidly form his arm.

媒体记者回到了主要新闻中心。The media withdrew to the main press centre.

“是,先生”特德韦尔答道,随后退下。"Yes, sir, " replied Tredwell, as he withdrew.

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到了1706年尾,他离开了正职牧师职务。In late 1706 he withdrew from active priesthood.

她把全部存款提走之后,离开了那个国家。She withdrew all her savings and left the country.

她听见钱这个字,就吓得把手缩回来。At the word money she quailed and withdrew her hand.

同时,知县在他们摸完后也查看了他们的手。As they withdrew their hands Chen would examine them.

政府及其军队溃逃到凡尔塞。The Government withdrew with its troops to Versailles.

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一个接一个,追求者撤退了。One by one, the pursuers withdrew from the competition.

10月,富士康撤销了诉讼,但在几天后又重新起诉。FIH withdrew the suit in October, then refiled it days later.

近些年里,以色列从南黎巴嫩和加沙撤出。In recent years, Israel withdrew from South Lebanon and Gaza.