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玉米的种植面积居于首位。Corn acreage pushed into first place.

一个叫阿莱克特朗的人,有多少英亩的地产What is the acreage of the estate of a man called Alektruon?

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田主在大陆高原上的土地扩张了很多。The freeholder's land on the altitude of the acreage broadcast a lot.

很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.

前者在佛罗里达湖县拥有大片的柑橘地。The Howey Company owns large tracts of citrus acreage in Lake County, Florida.

从星期一,遭干旱袭击的耕地的英亩数降低了25百万亩。As of Monday, the acreage of drought-hit farmland was reduced by 25 million mu.

于是我们家这一居民区就变成一大片纯净的冰面。And so it happened that our neighborhood had become a vast acreage of sterling ice.

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2005年,环渤海地区较大面积发生水稻红苗病。Circum -Pohai belt had happened red seedling disease of rice large acreage in 2005.

餐厅或酒店的面积有多大?能容纳多少人就餐?How much acreage does the restaurant or rummery ? How many people does it can hold?

我们很幸运能有道路面积背后我们的家园4两轮车。We are fortunate enough to have paths in the acreage behind our home for 4 wheelers.

勘测员把所有农田面积加进了小镇的总面积。The surveyor integrated the area of all the farms into a total acreage of the township.

而在这片曾经拥有丰富土地的地方,沃野良田也早已萎缩,变成大片楼房。Where land had been plentiful, the best acreage was being concentrated into great estates.

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由于气候和地形的原因,攀枝花还保留了世界上面积最大的一片原始苏铁林。Thanks to the climate and terrain, this area has the world's largest acreage of sago palms.

大力开发长江流域冬闲田土,扩大油菜种植面积。Developing the idle land in winter in Yangtze River basin for expanding the acreage of rape.

比亚迪汽车已经将新的工厂建在用以生产足够粮食来喂养当地人口的土地上。The company has built factories on acreage zoned to grow enough food to feed the population.

根据“以货代款”计划,把政府的农用商品交给农民,让他们减少种植面积。Under PIK, farmers were paid in government-owned farm commodities for reducing crop acreage.

农区耕地面积比例与农村用电量有高关联等。The cultivated acreage proportion is in high connection with Village electricity consumption.

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中国的耕地面积只占世界耕地面积的百分之七。And China's arable, cultivable acres make up only seven per cent of the world's total acreage.

这不足为奇,因为农村人口增加了,但可用的农场面积却没有。This is not surprising as the rural population has grown but the available farm acreage has not.

播种面积分配制、价格支持和作物丢弃令美国农业面貌一新。Acreage allotments, price supports and crop set-asides reshaped the face of American agriculture.