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派克疑惑着眉毛拱了起来。Pike's brows arched doubtfully.

拉尔夫疑惑地看了看他。Ralph looked at him doubtfully.

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“是的。”凡妮莎疑惑地说。"Yes, " said Vanessa doubtfully.

吉拉德怀疑地摇了摇头。Gerald shook his head doubtfully.

“哦,哦。”国王爱德蒙怀疑地说道。"Yes, " said King Edmund doubtfully.

“他是谁?”嘉莉疑虑地问道。"Who is he?" asked Carrie. doubtfully.

然而,克莱尔还是怀疑我。Meanwhile, Clare regards me doubtfully.

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“你是鲍勃吗?”来人问道。"Is that you, Bob?" he asked, doubtfully.

“是你吗,鲍勃?”他不敢肯定地问。"Is that you, Bob?" he asked, doubtfully.

我想我一定是对的,但他用怀疑的目光看着我。I think I am doubtless right, but he looked at me doubtfully.

其它的似乎有用也得存疑,虽然它们仍然在我们的手册中使用。Others seem doubtfully useful, although they are still in use in our handbooks.

“我想是的,”戴安娜不确定的说,“自从结婚后我就再也没有去过那儿了。"I suppose so, " said Diana doubtfully. "I've never been there since I was married.

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“现在就去拜访修女们太早了吧”亚茨拉菲尔怀疑地说。"It's a bit early in the morning to be calling on nuns," said Aziraphale doubtfully.

“我想是的,”戴安娜不确定的说,“自从结婚后我就再也没有去过那儿了。"I suppose so, " said Diana doubtfully. "I've never been there since I was married. Anne Cordelia explores a lot.

假如你问一只毛毛虫是否认为自己有一天会展翅高飞,它将会非常疑惑的看着你。If you ask a caterpillar whether it thinks that it will one day sprout wings and fly, it will look at you very doubtfully.

布拉斯先生这样称赞了不在场的迷人精一番之后,突然停下脚步,怀疑地望着灯光。As he paid this compliment to the merit of the absent charmer, MR. Brass came to a halt, looking doubtfully towards the light.

的确,他望着那老医生的畸形身躯时是满怀疑虑和恐惧的——有时甚至带有仇恨的刻毒和厌恶。True, he looked doubtfully , fearfully- even, at times, with horror and the bitterness of hatred- at the deformed figure of the old physician.

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此外,若你把鼠标拿到空中移动时,箭头将不会随着同样的方向移动,仅怀疑你在做什么。In addition, if you take the mouse in the space, the arrowhead on the screen will not move in the same direction, only waiting doubtfully for what you are doing.

被原著者明确排除在外,或被指称为不同的变异体,或包含在该分类单元中为可疑的任何标本,均应排除于模式系列之外。Excluded from the type series are any specimens that the original author expressly excludes or refers to as distinct variants , or doubtfully includes in the taxon.

结果陕西、河北两省部分地区汉坦病毒的感染以血清型HTN为主,其次为SEO型,并检测出2例疑似DOB型感染的血清。Results The type of Hantavirus infection was mainly serotype HTN, secondly serotype SEO and simultaneously also detected two sera which were doubtfully infected with serotype DOB virus.