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函数检查。Function check.

这是他的权能。That's his function.

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有分段剪切的功能。A sub-shear function.

修补程序的功能。Function of the patch.

雾笛效用试验。Function test of fog horn.

搜索框的功能都不同。The function is different.

或者作为体积的函数。Or as a function of volume.

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英语复读功能。Repeat function in English.

内置的日期数学函数。Built-in Date Math Function.

有全开全关功能。Got all ON all OFF function.

这事是个概率函数。It's a probability function.

什么是酬应功能?What is the phatic function?

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肾功能恶化。Kidney function deteriorates.

那机器不能运行了。The machine doesn't function.

散水有什么作用?What's the function of apron?

可以使用递归调用吗?Can I call a function recurse?

什么是酬应功能?。I. 14 What is phatic function?

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屏状核的功能?。The Function of the Claustrum?

中间组织的作用。Function of inter-organization.

他们有完备的功能。They're able to fully function.