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丧夫使她极为悲痛。The loss of her husband anguished her deeply.

在个美洲都激荡着这苦恼的争论。And throughout America the anguished debate roils on.

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被朋友伏击,赵亮看上去很痛苦。Mr. Zhao looked anguished at being ambushed by his friend.

我愿是您明月,疼爱地终止您苦闷的一天。And let me be Your moon, To mercifully end Your anguished day.

偶失调地琴弦在它们羞愧地痛苦呻吟中乞求音乐。My untuned strings beg for music in their anguished cry of shame.

我看见墙上滚石少年的抒发痛苦的诗歌。I see the anguished poetry scribbled on the wall bystoned teenagers.

风雨过后,我到梨树底下,看那些被催残的花叶梨子,没少痛心疾首。After the storms, I went under the pear tree to see the mosaic those pears, not less anguished.

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事实上,在那个时候,由于我对越南问题深感焦虑,所以,对她或者对任何人来说,是我太过于忧愁。Actually, back then, as anguished as I was about Vietnam, I was too sad for her, or anyone else.

听着黑暗中门外公鸡极其痛苦的叫声,莎蒂的恐惧在蔓延。Listening to the anguished cry of a rooster outside in the dark night, Sadie's apprehension grew.

那些在这种教育方式下培养出来的人,对此书的反应尤其痛苦。The reaction to the book was particularly anguished among those who are products of extreme Asian parents.

面对陌路选择见死不救的行为已经在国内引发了激烈的讨论。The widespread reluctance to help strangers has already lead to an anguished public debate in the country.

你只是眼睁睁地看着市场朝你想象的方向走去,但你并没有做什么,你为错过了赚钱的机会而痛苦不已。But you did nothing except watch the market move while you anguished over all the money you could have made.

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一般人往往很容易遗忘欢乐的时光,但对于哀愁的经历却经常忆起,这是对遗忘哀愁的一种抗拒。The ordinary people often easily forget the pleasant time but remember clearly about the anguished experience.

有时认为自己患了忧郁症,因为一个人的时候,尤其是在晚上,感觉很痛苦。Sometimes I thought I caught the hypochondria. Because when I was alone, especially at night, I felt anguished.

如果这只美洲豹可以说出他心里的想法,他一定会表达失去了斑点的苦恼。If the leopard could speak out his mind, he would surely express how anguished he felt for the loss of his speckles.

如果这只美洲豹可以说出他心里的想法,他一定会表达失去了斑点的苦恼。If the leopard could speak out his mind, he would surely express how anguished he felt for the loss of his speckles.

自打该剧开幕以来,裘德·洛版的苦闷哈姆雷特就收到了绝大多数的褒奖。Since the opening of the play, Jude has received mostly praises for his performance as the mentally anguished Hamlet.

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它面部特征剧烈下倾的角度,惨如白骨的皮肤,结合成一种鬼魅般痛苦的表情。The sharp downward angles of its facial features and its bony chalk-white skin combine to give it a ghostly, anguished look.

痛苦的家属集合在首都加百利图雷医院,这里的员工正准备公布死亡名单。Anguished families gathered outside the capital's Gabriel Toure Hospital where the staff was preparing to post a list of the dead.

CPSC的了500多页的有关规定,从受影响的各方意见的价值,许多来自痛苦小生意的人。The CPSC got more than 500 pages worth of comments on the provision from affected parties, many from anguished small-business people.