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扫帚和簸箕。A broom and dustpan.

一只扫帚可怕地扫尽。A broom is drearily sweeping.

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骑着扫帚飞到了屋顶。Flying to the roof on a broom.

没有扫帚我无法扫。I can't sweep without a broom.

现在我的扫帚在哪里?Now where did I put that broom?

门子的后面有一把扫帚。Behind the door there is a broom.

请到我的房间给我取一把笤帚来。Please fetch me a broom to my room.

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他干得不错。新官上任三把火嘛。He's doing fine. A new broom sweeps clean.

野风信子开花时金雀花也开花了。The broom blooms when the bluebells bloom.

到达扫帚糜子盛开的茶。Arrived the tea broom corn millet blooming.

经过多年腐败,我想新官上任需要新人和新的概念。I think a new broom sweeping clean is needed.

请把扫帚放在房间里的角落处。Please put the broom in the corner of the room.

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好像要支开她似的,妈递给莎蒂一个扫帚。As if to be rid of her, Ma handed Sadie a broom.

“邓粹是新官上任三把火,”旅长解释道。Daintry'the brigadier explained'is our new broom . '

所以我手拿扫帚,爬上斜坡。So I, with my push broom in hand, climbed the ramps.

大厅里除了邮差和他的扫帚以外别无他人。The lobby is empty but for the postman and his broom.

宾来了,本来了。宾给本拿来了扫帚,本给宾拿来了扫帚。Ben comes. Bim brings Ben broom. Ben brings Bim broom.

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布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色白勺土地上白勺扫帚。Bright blows the broom on the brook's bare brown banks.

为了和他交流,我和老公只能和他保持一段距离,用笤帚抚摸他。So we had to keep a distance to touch him with a broom.

我用扫帚把碎玻璃扫成一堆。BROOM】I swept the broken glass into a pile with a broom.