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手指速算法。Finger speed algorithm.

初始化算法。Initialize the algorithm.

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包括寻路算法等。Including pathfinding algorithm.

什么是蛮力算法?What is a brute-force algorithm?

那么什么是遗传算法呢?So what is the genetic algorithm?

算法是去块滤波的灵魂。Algorithm is the soul of deblocking.

为ATR算法提供仿真图像数据。The data is useful in ATR algorithm.

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我们也看过对数算法。We also saw a logarithmic algorithm.

对子问题运行算法。Run the algorithm on the sub-problem.

盒是DES算法中的一个关键环节。S-box is a key part of DES algorithm.

我们调用相同的算法。Well, let's call this same algorithm.

合理选择的负载平衡算法A well-chosen load balancing algorithm

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那算法中的下一步是什么呢?What's the next step in the algorithm?

遗传算法是一种宏观意义上的仿生算法。GA is mimic-life algorithm in grandness.

你需要一种排序算法。Well, you need an algorithm for sorting.

这个算法的复杂度又是多少呢?What's the complexity of this algorithm?

实例表明此完备化方法是行之有效的。Examples show that the algorithm is valid.

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目前已经在PC机上实现了此算法。The algorithm has been realized on IBM-PC.

该算法可精确地绘制出等压线。This algorithm can draw isobar accurately.

提出了一种新型的半波傅氏算法。A half-wave Fourier algorithm is presented.