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目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbed capitation in clinical attendance.

两汉时期的人头税分为算赋、口赋、更赋三种。The capitation of the two Han dynasties was divided into three kinds of adult tax, unadult tax and quitrent.

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对社区卫生服务提供者,实行按人头支付与按绩效支付相结合的支付方式。For payment system reforms of the supply-side, implement Capitation and Global budget, combined with Pay for case.

西班牙是独一无二的曾超过十年,这是通过一个人头费资助的购买力平价医院在操作。Spain is unique in having had a PPP hospital in operation for over a decade which is funded through a capitation fee.

认为采取总额预算和按服务量支付方式将有助于促使医院注重内涵发展,推动“三医联动”深入进行。Study suggested that the paying model of global budget and capitation will be helpful to promote health system reform.

人头税的征收对象几乎涵盖了全体国民,成为封建国家最主要的财政收入。The levied objects almost includes all people of the country, and the capitation became the most principal source of the country.

第三段介绍英国在过去与近年来的医疗资源配给经验,以及英国对于医疗资源地理分布的策略内容。The third section introduces the practical policy experience of rationing in the UK, and the weighted capitation formula for geographical areas.

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因此,围绕着公民权和人头税的问题,斐洛出使罗马,并创作了相关的“史学作品”。It was just the problem of citizenship and capitation that made Philo take the diplomatic mission to Rome and produce the correlative historical works.

随着人民生活水平的提高,城市人均用水量逐年增加,伴随产生的生活污水已经成为不可忽视的污染源。With improvement of people's living standard the capitation water consumption increases constantly and the sanitary sewage becomes an important pollution sources.

草拟中的指引列明,任何预先付款的商业医疗计划,若不符合提供高质素医疗服务的宗旨,医生不应该参与这些计划。These draft guidelines specify that doctors should not enter into those pre?paid capitation schemes that are incompatible with a high standard of medical practice.

爱尔兰教育部门说,去年政府为学生按人头提供的补助费已增加到每位200镑,各所学校基本运转资金也随之增加了。The Irish education department said that schools were getting more funding for basic operating costs following an increase in the capitation grant last year to €200 for each student.