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怀才就像怀孕,时间长了才能知道。Being talented just like being gravid , must be known with a long time past.

而靠近妊娠子宫的操作往往是不可避免的。Avoiding interventions close to the gravid uterus, of course, is always desirable.

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没有必要仅仅因患糖尿病而中断妊娠或绝育。Not was necessary mere because suffer fromDiabeticAnd interrupt gravid or sterilization.

此外,妊娠的雌性需要更多的钙,来帮助形成卵壳。In addition, gravid females need more calcium, which is used to build the shells of the eggs.

怀孕的雌性需要更多的钙质,以便能用于蛋壳的形成。In addition, gravid females need more calcium, which is used to build the shells of the eggs.

无症状性细菌尿常见于妊娠妇女、产妇及女孩。Without make water of semiotic sex bacterium common reach the girl at gravid woman, puerpera.

另外一个行为变化是妊娠的雌性活动量增大,并伴有挖掘行为。Another behavioral clue that a female is gravid is an increased activity level and digging behavior.

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目的分析妊娠合并肺结核的临床治疗方法。Objective To analyze the clinical treatment of gravid and puerperal women with pulmonary tuberculosis.

妊娠后,循环血量增加,在32周时达到高峰,增加了心脏的负荷。Gravid hind, circular blood quantity increases, in 32 weeks when reach a peak, raised cardiac negative charge.

在妊娠3个月之后得了风疹,风疹病毒可能导致各种病变。In gravid nettle rash was gotten after 3 months, nettle rash virus may cause all sorts of pathological change.

在此过程中,黄体开始分泌有妊娠作用的孕激素。The process is here medium, corpus luteum begins to secrete the progestational hormone that has gravid effect.

对我院诊治的妊娠合并肺结核38例进行跟踪调查回顾性分析。Methods 38 gravid and puerperal women with pulmonary tuberculosis were followed up and analyzed retrospectively.

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如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step.

应避免一切激发因素,如外伤、过劳、激动、感染、妊娠、分娩等。Should avoid everything to invoke an element, wait like traumatic, overfatigue, excited, infection, gravid , childbirth.

到妊娠晚期,增大的子宫和胎儿先露部压迫直肠,也都能导致排便困难。Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty.

故临床疑为多胎妊娠多,应继续随访,直至胎儿个数完全确定。Clinical doubt is reason much embryo is gravid much, should continue to follow visit, till fetal a Shu is completely affirmatory.

在妊娠早期,由产科医生及心内科医生联合判断是否继续妊娠,并指出注意事项。Be in gravid and inchoate, whether is physician combination judgement continued by obstetrician and heart gravid , point out a note.

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尽管大多数时候你可以从外观上捕捉到妊娠的信号,但有些雌性并不会表现出明显的妊娠特征。Although most times you can clearly see the signs of gravidity if you know what to look for, some females may not clearly appear to be gravid.

孕妇本来没有糖尿病,妊娠期,通常在妊娠中期或后期出现糖尿病,称为妊娠糖尿病。Pregnant woman is done not have originallyDiabetic, gestation, appear in gravid metaphase or later period normallyDiabetic, call gravidDiabetic.

治疗与非孕妇相同,妊娠早期发生者可用腹膜透析,但多数主张血液透析。Cure and blame pregnant woman are same, the person that gravid and inchoate happening is usable and peritoneal dialytic, but most view blood is dialytic.