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后来,我开始背叛她了。Then I began to betray her.

不要再让我们出卖灵魂。Don't let us betray our souls.

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他发誓永不背叛她。He promised never to betray her.

但你倾斜的双眼已经出卖了你。But your slanting eyes betray you.

我永远不会背叛我的国家!And I will never betray my country!

他们的背叛瓦解了该党。Their betray disorganized the party.

朋友是不会泄露秘密的。A friend does not betray confidences.

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阳光也不会褪去我的柠檬色的汁液。Sunlight won 't betray my lemon juice.

她不会把他的秘密泄露给我。She would not betray his secrets to me.

他发誓永不背叛组织。He promised never to betray the organization.

他不该出卖国家给敌人。He shouldn t betray his country to the enemy.

而孤独是永不背叛你的朋友。For loneliness is a friend who will not betray.

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我宁愿自杀也不会出卖我的主人。I would as lief kill myself as betray my master.

更不会再去因为被背叛受到伤害而哭泣!Never to say cry for any hurt due to any betray.

请没有要孤负我的自信心,等待您的回答。Do not betray my confidence. I await your response.

难道你也要背叛飘云城?Do you also ambition to betray to drift cloud city?

她是否为他对安娜如此之快的背叛感到反感?Is she disgusted that he would so soon betray Anna?

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你以为我现在会因为5,000便士而背叛他们?。You think I would betray them now for 5,000 denarii?

我也从来没有为了金钱和权利背叛我的国王。I didn't betray my king to another for gold or power.

那些事流窜在你血液中让你去背叛你所爱的人吗?Does it run in your blood to betray the ones you love?