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火柴盒汽车赛跑.Race matchbox cars.

我得到一间像火柴盒大小的房间。I've got a matchbox of a room.

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杰夫有和他朋友一样多的小车子。Jeff has got as many Matchbox cars as his friend.

今天这种发电器造得比火柴盒大不了多少。Today's generators are not much bigger than a matchbox.

为什么我们能通过火柴盒上磨擦火柴取火?Why can we get fire by rubbing a match on the matchbox?

为什么空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西?Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world?

没有什么比找到一个供收藏的新火柴盒更使他开心的了。Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection.

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根据火柴盒的大小来判断你应该食用的葡萄干的数量。Judge the number of raisins you should be eating by the size of a matchbox.

该公司的产品包括芭比娃娃签名和热车的车轮和火柴盒。The firm's signature products include Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.

从此,我的车轮火柴盒车我的记录无论我纺纱它得是新鲜的。From wheels on my matchbox cars to my records whatever i'm spinning it's gotta be fresh.

他摸摸口袋,看看有没有打火机或火柴。He felt in his pocket for a lighter or matches. Fortunately, one match was left in a matchbox.

我也并不厌恶自己的这副德性,同二流火柴杆相比,我还是更乐意当一流火柴盒。But that's fine with me. I don't mind at all. Better to be a first-class matchbox than a second-class match.

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在我的印象中,指导员威尔逊先生和他的一套小汽车模型总让我难以忘怀。One of my least cherished memories involves a drivers'-ed instructor named Mr. Wilson and a set of Matchbox cars.

无疑,这种火柴盒非常智能并且使用方便,但是别让它们落入孩子们手中。This kind of matchbox is no doubt pretty smart and handy, but don’t let it reach those little hands of your kids.

说完,妇人脱下自己的棉袄连同一个装满小饰品的火柴盒一起交给了瑟拉,说也捐给海啸灾民。The woman then removed her coat to also send to the tsunami victims. She also gave Sena a matchbox full of trinkets.

在这次历史上最大规模的空中入侵行动中,一小组代号火柴盒的士兵有着自己的任务。In the midst of the largest airborne invasion in history, one small unit of men, codename Matchbox has it's own agenda.

付钱之后,我送给小男孩一个玩具汽车,他高兴的要命,立马就在地板上玩了起来。After paying, I give the boy a little matchbox car and he is over joyed. Immediately he is driving it all over the shop's floor.

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有个冬天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。There is a winter, the boys wake up the middle of the night, also saw his mother bent over a lamp in the body under the matchbox paste.

他们从来都不知道什么时候他会拿出一只火柴盒,火柴盒里装有一些与学生座位号相对应的纸片。They never knew when he would take out the matchbox in which he kept numbered pieces of paper corresponding to the pupils' seat numbers.

图蒂耍弄这块瓷砖好一段时间,扔入半空中,低语、吟唱,而后像火柴盒小汽车般沿着地板推动。Tutti played with that tile for a long time, tossing it in the air, whispering to it, singing to it, then pushing it along the floor like it was a Matchbox car.