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伊阿古你现在话说完了吧?Iago . You have said now.

伊阿古你听见吗,凯西奥?Iago. Do you hear, Cassio?

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伊阿古你们听见一个呼声吗?Iago. Did not you hear a cry?

伊阿古我很抱歉听见您说这样的话。Iago. I am sorry to hear this.

伊阿古上床睡觉去吧。Iago. Why, go to bed, and sleep.

伊阿古我也这样希望,副将。Iago. And so do I too, lieutenant.

伊阿古不,这不过是他的梦。Iago. Nay, this was but his dream.

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在'奥赛罗'中,埃古是一个阴险的角色。Iago is the heavy role in 'Othello'.

伊阿古您还看见那方手帕吗?Iago. And did you see the handkerchief?

伊阿古别再提起投水的话了,你听见没有?Iago. No more of drowning, do you hear?

依阿高把毒药滴在奥赛罗心中。Iago distilled poison into Othello's mind.

伊阿古不要哭,不要哭。唉!Iago. Do not weep, do not weep. Alas the day!

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伊阿古你是什麽人,在这儿叫喊得这样凄惨?Iago. What are you here that cry so grievously ?

伊阿古所以我想凯西奥是个忠实的人。Iago . Why, then, I think Cassio's an honest man.

伊阿古他说,他曾经——我不知道他曾经干些什麽事。Iago. 'Faith, that he did—I know not what he did.

伊阿古我以为他本来跟夫人是不相识的。Iago . I did not think he had been acquainted with her.

伊阿古那边是谁?什麽人在那儿喊杀人?Iago. Who's there? whose noise is this that ones on murder?

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伊阿古我发誓这一种意思完全出于一片诚心。Iago. I protest, in the sincerity of love and honest kindness.

除非我扮演伊阿古,否则我永远不会真正了解这个角色。I should never really understand Iago unless I played his part.

伊阿古讲到迈克尔。凯西奥,我敢发誓我相信他是忠实的。Iago. For Michael Cassio, I dare be sworn I think that he is honest.