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草拟合同。Draw up the contract.

这契约无效。The contract is void.

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这是我们的合同。This is our contract.

想要摆脱手机合同束缚吗?Cellphone Contract Buster.

他们在合同上赔了钱。They lost on the contract.

我们遵守契约。We adhere to the contract.

他们匆忙签了一个合同。They clapped up a contract.

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是关于753号合同的一些事。It's about contract No. 753.

提供设计费合约。Provide design fee contract.

签定特许经营合同书。Sign the franchise contract.

现在我们可以签合同了。Now we can sign the contract.

即加州理工军械合同项目。Ordnance Contract to C. I. T.

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他们终止了合同。They determined the contract.

他必须信守合同。He must abide by the contract.

法律合同的涵义。Implications for contract law.

这份合同快过保险期了。The contract will soon expire.

他们把工作全部包了出去。They contract work out wholly.

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认为签订了合同就万事大吉Thinking a contract is binding

吸烟是一项事先合同。Smoking is an advance contract.

第二十四条合同款拨付。Twenty-fourth contract payment.