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什么是认知语言学?What is Cognitive Linguistics?

这也是认识失调来解释。Again, it's cognitive dissonance.

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认知科学就恰恰是这样。and Cognitive Science is exactly that.

她是我的神经系统学老师,She's my Cognitive Neuroscience teacher,

这种数据与事实相悖的情况引起了一些人的认知失调。This has caused some cognitive dissonance.

每个小孩对寄养家庭的认知都有所不同。Each child to foster cognitive is different.

使用“分块记忆”降低认知负荷Use "chunking" to reduce cognitive overhead.

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认知任务的增加将减弱自控力。Increased cognitive load decreases self-control.

她曾在Rawson的认知学实验室工作。She worked in Rawson's cognitive psychology lab.

这孩子创造一个认知地图或生活方式。The child creates a cognitive map or life-style.

这人,玉清真人却是认识的。This person, jade Islamic person yet is cognitive.

认知功能测验采用跳台法。Using step down test tested the cognitive function.

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认知期望的核心表现为对“是什么”的期望。The core of the cognitive expectations is "what-is".

为什么玩会成为孩子认知的过成呢?Why can playing become children's cognitive process?

最后,孩子身上也有认知失调。Finally, cognitive dissonance shows up with children.

认知能力的范围也是诊断的一部分。Range of cognitive ability is a part of the diagnosis.

拟作为一种修辞行为,也是一种认知活动。As a rhetoric act, imitation is a cognitive one as well.

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谵妄,痴呆,失忆,及其他认知障碍。Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders.

训练可以改变认知注意的偏向。Training could change the cognitive and attentional biases.

我融入了认知心理学,社会心理学等等内容。I draw on cognitive psychology, social psychology and so on.