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更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis.

它给予我一个机会来再评价或者改变我的看法而尊重它。It gives me a CHOICE to revalue or change my opinion and respect it.

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目的重新评价磁共振成像钆对比剂的不良反应和安全性。Objective To revalue the bad reaction and safety of gadopentetatedime glumine contrast.

揭示其在西方教育哲学史上的历史地位和有限性,尝试对杜威教育哲学进行再评价。Concluding its historical status and finity, attempting to revalue Dewey's philosophy of education.

补救措施之一就是中国对其货币重新估值,降低其出口货物的竞争力。One remedy would be for China to revalue its currency, reducing the competitiveness of its exports.

戴利奥暗示,为了双方的益处,中国需要调高人平易近币兑美元汇率。China needed to revalue its currency against the US dollar for the benefit of both countries, said Mr Dalio.

周五一名立法者称他将在下周建议立法强迫中国重新评估人民币币值。One lawmaker said on Friday he would propose legislation next week aimed at forcing China to revalue its currency.

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中国房地产市场繁荣的另一个因素是市场广泛预期人民币不久将升值。Still another cause for China's real estate boom is widespread anticipation that China will revalue the yuan soon.

那么因为中国的经济取得成就反要人民币升值,其背后的逻辑就显得相互矛盾。Therefore, the demand for China to revalue the RMB because of China's economic out-performance is simply illogical.

我们应从世界现代化进程的宏观视野历史地予以考察和重新估价。We should review and revalue these ideas historically from the macroscopic vision of the process of world modernization.

中国出口份额的增长将引发更多的关注,外界要求人民币升值的压力将不断增强。China’s rising share of world exports will command much more attention. Foreign demands to revalue the yuan will intensify.

进一段时间以来,人民币对美元汇率不断上升,人民不断升值。Since has entered period of time, the Renminbi rises unceasingly to US dollar exchange rate, the people revalue unceasingly.

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贝克的分析给人以很深刻的印象,但我还是要提出我的想法,即中国会从对其货币的重新定位中获利。Becker's analysis is impressive, but I hesitate to state with confidence that China would be better off to revalue its currency.

美国政府断言目前人民币价值偏低,希望中国能够推动人民币大幅升值,以期提升美国出口和就业。The Americans want China to revalue the yuan considerably in the hope that it would lead to an increase in US exports and employment.

我们认为中国政府将会调升人民币币值,或至少与一篮子货币挂钩,而非单与美元挂钩。We think the Chinese authorities will revalue the Renminbi or at least peg it against a basket of currencies, not just against the US dollar.

美国国会数年来一直威胁要通过立法来迫使中国对其货币进行重新估值,但迄今为止并未有任何法案出炉.Congress has threatened for years to pass legislation to pressure China to revalue its currency, but so far no bill has reached the president's desk.

自从2002年日本财政大臣盐川对人民币汇率问题发难以来,关于人民币汇率升值的争论此起彼伏,高潮迭起。Since 2002 Japanese Chancellor started revolt about RMB rate of exchange problem, the disputation concerning revalue of RMB rate of exchange is increasing.

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美国可能无法逼迫中国重估人民币,但他们至少可以躲过中国超速增长产生的通胀恶果。The U. S. might not be able to force China to revalue the yuan, but at least they will escape the inflationary consequences of China's super-charged growth.

持续盈余的国家,本国货币升值,只要IMF同意,国际收支中的“根本性失衡”。And countries with persistent surpluses could revalue their currency, as long as the IMF agreed that the balance of payments were in " fundamental disequilibria".

狄安华补充道,中国已认同需重估人民币,只是升值速度还不像美国希望的那麽快。China, for its own internal reasons, already recognizes it need to revalue the yuan even if it is not moving as quickly as the United States would like, he added.